
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Why did Lucifer rebelled Against God in the Bible?

Let’s start at the beginning. There must have been a time when there was nothing but God — Father, Son, Spirit for He is the creator of all things. So why did God create? Colossians tells us that everything was created “by Him and for Him”… meaning Jesus. So if everything was created “for” Jesus, then why did God create? It seems that God the Father wanted His Son Jesus to be loved, glorified and worshipped.

So God created a race of beings…angels. We don’t know when or how many. What we do know is that if they were to worship His Son, they had to do so voluntarily or it would make no sense for them to worship. In order to do things voluntarily, they had to have what we call “free will.” That is, they could decide to worship Him or not worship Him. We also know that they had various ranks and jobs even as the angels do today.

As Jacob below points out, this one we call Lucifer was given a very high rank. He is right when he points out that he was called “the anointed cherub that covers.” (Ezekiel 28:14) Another translation (ESV) says “the anointed guardian cherub.” If we are right that this phrase refers to Lucifer (and I think we are) then what does it mean to be “anointed” and what did he guard? For sure it means that Lucifer had some high position and responsibility. When the Bible uses the word “anointed” it is often talking about being anointed with the Holy Spirit. It is even the key idea behind words like Messiah or Christ who was the anointed one of God. And what did Lucifer guard? Frankly we are not told and we can only peculate. He was of the class of angels called cherubim… which often surround the throne of God. It is possible, and this is only conjecture, that he might have had the job of being like the personal attendant or royal guard who attended the Son of God. Frankly we have no idea… we can only speculate.

What we do know is that Lucifer had such a high position that the only level he could not reach is that of God Himself. He must have had command of a large number of angels who would all have regarded him highly — next to God Himself.
At some point, Lucifer got the idea… why HIM… why not ME? He made the fatal mistake of directing his praise, love and affection away from the SON of God toward himself. His heart was “lifted up with pride.” You will be familiar with the passage in Isaiah 14 where he said in his heart, “ I will be like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:14).

For this reason, Lucifer was cast out of heaven (meaning God’s immediate presence). But when he went, a good number of angels went with him. So that means he not only became prideful, but he actually started a rebellion against God… and he seems to have had a huge following. God not only cast him out of heaven… but the angels who followed him. That must have sent a shock wave through the cosmos for never before had God ever been disobeyed. Lucifer, now Satan, must have been exceedingly clever to have deceived many angels to rise up against the Creator God and rebel with him. The Bible tells us that at that point, God created another place… for Jesus told us that hell (the everlasting fire) was prepared “for the devil and his angels.” (Matthew 25:41).

Condemned and without reprieve, Satan awaited the next order of creation — mankind. His thought was, “If I cannot be God in heaven… I will be god on earth.” You know the rest of the story… and that is why he is called “the god of this world.” II Cor. 4:14. The angels who followed him are called the “principalities and powers… rulers of darkness.” His minions are called demons or evil spirits. They are the dark force which work against God on this earth and deceive individuals and nations to hate God and undermine his purposes.
But that is not the end of the story… a store for another day maybe!

Lucifer was an annointed cherub..
But also the most beautiful created angel being.
Due to his merchandise and beauty he become lifted up and Prideful..
He misused his wisdom
He never liked Adam and eve in the garden of Eden
He wanted to be seated on the farthest north upon the mount of zaphon… it was his taught.

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