
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Is it possible to invade Israel now and overtake the nation?

You have two options:
  1. Make a fast, agressive attack.
  2. Grind them down since they have limited resources and manpower.
For the purposes of this thought experiment, I’d assume no other nations will get involved.
This is McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. Israel has 58 of them.
And this is General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The IDF has 236 of these bad boys in service.
If you plan to invade Israel, I’d suggest you fnd a way to deal with their Air Force. Otherwise all your fancy MBTs and IFVs, not to mention the poor bastards driving them, will have to deal with molten copper passing through them.
Your best bet is this:
It’s arguably a superior aircraft, but what matters most is the man behind the stick. After all Israeli pilots have consistently defeated numerically and technologically superrior Arab air forces. So you will need lots of them. They cost $40-$60 million dollars each not counting the crew training and maintenance, by the way.
Now since Israel has no neighbours capable of such a feat, I’m assuming you will be invading from the sea.
To defeat this…
… and this…
… and this…
You will need some of these:
Not to mention several of these
to land the ground forces themself. Oh, and they will be opposed by thousands of these
and these
And all of that to kill the people who built this
No country is invasion -proof, the real question is, is it worth it?

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