Anyone with a discerning eye can see that we are in the beginning of the end. But even so, the enemy is working hard to add confusion and fear to the times that are upon us. Do you know the basic signs of the times for these last days? In Matthew 24 Jesus teaches His disciples and us how to recognize the signs of His coming and the end of the age.
Jesus first cautions us not to be deceived. He says that many false Christs will arise and lead many astray. And Paul also warns us in 2 Tim. 3:13, “But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” If someone declares they are the Christ on this earth, be secure in the truth that they are not. Even if they perform great signs and wonders, they are not. Why? According to the Word in Titus 2:13, He will not appear to us on the earth, but He will appear to us in the clouds, and be caught up with Him, along with our fellow believers. “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,” Titus 2:13. Again Rev. 1:7 confirms the way He will come to us on that great and glorious day, “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.” And we, who are alive will shed this earth suit and be supernaturally changed. 1 Cor. 15: 50-53 explains it like this, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.“
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
Next, our Lord encourages us not to be afraid because there will be wars and rumors of wars, and explains that these things must take place, but the end is not yet. Wars and rumors of wars are frightful events, but God promises us in Isa. 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’”
He continues to speak to us about the political arena and says that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. He reveals to us that there will be disasters in various places such as famines and earthquakes. And makes it plain that these are not the final signs, but the beginning of birth pangs.
The world will be in chaos, and its inhabitants will be insecure not knowing how to meet their daily needs, but we have security in God’s Word that promises us that if we seek first His kingdom and all of His righteousness then all these things that we have need of will be met. Matt. 6:31-33 says, “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Did he not provide for the Israelites when they wandered in the desert for 40 years? According to the Scriptures God graciously provided for their daily needs. He supplied His people with water from the rock, see Ex. 17:5-7, it rained down manna daily, see Ex. 16:4, they had fresh meat, see Ex. 16:13, and their shoes and clothes did not wear out, see Deut. 29:5.
He then discusses with them about the individual who calls him or herself a follower of Jesus Christ. “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.”
Let’s face it, this is a very serious matter that will take every ounce of faith to overcome the temptation to recant our faith. Jesus understands this temptation all too well. In the Garden of Gethsemane He is so afraid of the torture that He is to endure for you and for me that He starts to sweat great drops of blood. He cries out to His Heavenly Father to come up with another plan, to remove Him from this situation. Heb. 4:15 confirms this point, it says “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”. He overcomes the power of the human will to run away from His destiny, to be selfish and to turn away from our need, to allow fear, doubt, and unbelief to control His actions, and finally surrenders to His Father’s will and lays down His life for us. Matt. 26:39 in the New King James Version of the Bible reads, “He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”
He tells us that many false prophets will rise and lead many people away from God. And Peter also warns us in 2 Pet. 2:1-3, “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.”
Women especially tend to be led astray by their emotions. The Bible warns us not to be gullible in 2 Tim. 3:5-7, “having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Women, we are not to be naïve, but wise. No matter how godly, how charismatic, how charming or how appealing the one with the message may seem, we are responsible to try the spirits and judge the message against the Word of God.
Not everyone will have to confront the possibility of being martyred for their faith, but we will all face some sort of tribulation and be hated because of our faith in Jesus. He says that during this stage of the Last Days that many will fall away, and they will betray and hate one another. And because of the increase in lawlessness that most people’s love will grow cold. But He makes it clear, “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” See Matt. 24:13.
And this portion of Scripture closes with Jesus declaring “This gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” See Matt. 24:14.
And just to clear up a matter of confusion, can the date of Jesus’ return be predicted? According to the Scriptures the answer is no. It states in Matt. 24:36, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So the next time you hear someone has figured out the exact date of Jesus’ return you know not to listen to them. Only the Father knows the exact date and time, but as we read in Matt. 24:3-15 God does want us to be aware of the season and clearly gives us the signs to look for.
I encourage you to open up the Word of God, start with Matthew 24 and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the basic teachings concerning the End-Times. He is faithful and true and wants you to know and recognize the basic signs of the Last Days.
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
Signs of the End Times
The signs of the end times is something that all end
time prophecy students look for to find out how close we
are to the second coming of Christ Jesus. Even many non believers are
looking into this issue now, which shows there are significant
changes going on in our world today. Many people are wondering what is
happening with all these disasters, wars, worldwide economic woes,
animal deaths and
a general degredation in society. And the Bible has the answer. They are
the signs that the end of the world as we know it is close.
Christ said Himself ... "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all
these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" (Matthew
24:33). We know that we cannot fix a date
on the second coming of Jesus, but as the above Bible verse confirms, we
CAN know when it is near, EVEN AT THE DOOR!! And the Bible signs
have now been fulfilled like never before in all of history, showing we
are the final generation before the return of Christ Jesus.
"Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." (Matthew 24:34)
There are so many signs today which point to the soon arrival of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And with the other end time signs
pages available on this site, you will see that without doubt we are
living in the last days.
"In the last scenes of this earth's history, war will rage. There will be
pestilence, plague and famine. The waters of the deep will overflow their boundaries. Property and life will be
destroyed by fire and flood." (E.White, Mar174, written in 1897)
Please also see In the Last Days and
6000 Year Timeline for extra
signs that we are in the end times.
End Time FACT
Daniel 2 ...'Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image .. This image's head was of fine gold,
and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of
iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a
stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet.'
In Daniel 2, verses 31-45, we have a prophecy of all the different kingdoms that were to rule the world from the time of Babylon, right up until the end of the world and the second coming of Christ (destroying rock). You can see from the picture the fulfillment of this prophecy. And where are we today?
We are in the feet of the image. Amongst the divided kingdoms of the world.
So this prophecy alone tells us that this generation is living in the "end times". And when did the "age" of the feet begin? In A.D.476. And as this image confirms, this is the LAST "age" before the end. So this world has been in the "last age" for over 1500 years! So we are now in the very toes of the image, awaiting the "destroying rock", which is Christ's eternal Kingdom at the second coming.
In Daniel 2, verses 31-45, we have a prophecy of all the different kingdoms that were to rule the world from the time of Babylon, right up until the end of the world and the second coming of Christ (destroying rock). You can see from the picture the fulfillment of this prophecy. And where are we today?
We are in the feet of the image. Amongst the divided kingdoms of the world.
So this prophecy alone tells us that this generation is living in the "end times". And when did the "age" of the feet begin? In A.D.476. And as this image confirms, this is the LAST "age" before the end. So this world has been in the "last age" for over 1500 years! So we are now in the very toes of the image, awaiting the "destroying rock", which is Christ's eternal Kingdom at the second coming.
For more on this amazing prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's image.
We have been in the last age
for over 1500 years! Conflict and war rages across the globe. Disaster
disaster unfolds upon the nations. Economies are collapsing around the
world. Animal life is diseased and dying. And wickedness and sin is
Do you have eyes to see what is happening? God is giving us plenty of
Sign - Ability to Enforce Mark of the Beast
Revelation 13:17 .....'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name.' ... We are told in this Bible verse that during the last days the beast system would enforce the world to take
the mark of the beast.
Now carefully think about this one. It says in Revelation 13 that those who don't take the mark will not be able to buy or sell. So what needs to happen for this prophecy to be fulfilled, to stop people from "buying and selling"? We need to get rid of cash right? And replace it with an electronic form of payment. It would then be easy to press a button and freeze the finances of any person who refuses to go along with the beast. Has this been possible in the past? No, because we did not have the technology to do it. But now we do have the technology and the people in control are actively pushing for this to happen today. This is a sure sign of the end times that we live in.
Now carefully think about this one. It says in Revelation 13 that those who don't take the mark will not be able to buy or sell. So what needs to happen for this prophecy to be fulfilled, to stop people from "buying and selling"? We need to get rid of cash right? And replace it with an electronic form of payment. It would then be easy to press a button and freeze the finances of any person who refuses to go along with the beast. Has this been possible in the past? No, because we did not have the technology to do it. But now we do have the technology and the people in control are actively pushing for this to happen today. This is a sure sign of the end times that we live in.
Sign - Perilous Times Shall Come
2 Timothy 3:1-5 .....'This know also,
that in the last days perilous times shall come.' ... The
Perilous times are here,
and will continue to get worse. There are protests, riots and uprisings
all over the world today. The economy worldwide is in trouble
and everything just seems ready to explode! And this plays into the
hands of the beast power who can bring the "solution" to the
troubles of this world. But that solution will be a deception.
Sign - Those Who Destroy The Earth, God Will Destroy
Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is
come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that
thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the
saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and
shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.' ... This
applies to the end time signs and is an amazing one that many
people miss. What could man do to the earth throughout history? Not
much, other than sling a few arrows and rocks and dig the ground with a
shovel. But what does
man do to the earth today? We destroy with great weapons of war and
massive industry. Pollute the air with chemicals. Pollute the waters
with oil and other toxins.
Destroy the forests and so on. And as you will see from the list of mass animal deaths,
the animals are dying in great numbers because of it.
There is no other time in history where mankind was destroying the earth like we are today. This is a sure sign of the times.
There is no other time in history where mankind was destroying the earth like we are today. This is a sure sign of the times.
Sign - False Christs and Prophets
Matthew 24:4-5,11 .....'many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ .... and many false prophets shall arise
and deceive many.' ..... With this one, we tend to focus on the "false Christs" and forget that the sign also includes false prophets
and preachers. Sure, we have certainly had many characters claiming to
either be Christ, or a special "chosen one", people like Jim Jones and David Koresh. And it doesn't stop there, as there
are many new age, spiritualist, and satanic cults in the world today that deceive the masses.
But we now also have a world full of false prophets, preachers and movements like never before within the churches that preach error and deceive millions of people. For example, the prosperity gospel preachers like Joel Osteen and Creflo Dollar amongst many others who focus entirely on material wealth and prosperity and do not convict people of sin. There is also the seeker sensitive, emerging church movement with preachers like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels who deceive people into uniting with the world and uniting with other faiths, when the Word of God expressly tells us to stay separate.
And the only reason people are deceived by these is because they don't study the Bible. We need to test everyone against the Word of God to see if what they are preaching is the truth. Now does this mean we cannot trust anyone who claims to be a prophet of God? No, we just need to test what they say against the Word.
But we now also have a world full of false prophets, preachers and movements like never before within the churches that preach error and deceive millions of people. For example, the prosperity gospel preachers like Joel Osteen and Creflo Dollar amongst many others who focus entirely on material wealth and prosperity and do not convict people of sin. There is also the seeker sensitive, emerging church movement with preachers like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels who deceive people into uniting with the world and uniting with other faiths, when the Word of God expressly tells us to stay separate.
And the only reason people are deceived by these is because they don't study the Bible. We need to test everyone against the Word of God to see if what they are preaching is the truth. Now does this mean we cannot trust anyone who claims to be a prophet of God? No, we just need to test what they say against the Word.
Sign - Famine
Matthew 24:7 ....'and there shall be famine.' ..... We are living in such a time of famine and hunger all over
the world today, that there are thousands of people dying of starvation EVERY DAY. What makes this even more sad
is that the amount of food that is wasted by the rest of us could feed these poor people who are starving to death.
God will judge everyone for what we have done, or what we DIDN'T do.
Sign - Earthquakes in Diverse Places
Matthew 24:7 .....'and earthquakes in divers places.' ..... The scoffers love to bash this one, but from the evidence available,
we can see that earthquakes are increasing in frequency, and also appearing in more "diverse places".
Take a look at the following information and judge for yourself.
"Current graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength and frequency.
results are in agreement with the USGS statistics page, which shows an
increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes (M > 5.0)."
A series of massive quakes within 2 days in 2012 prompted an earthquake expert to suggest that the earth is "cracking up"
Costa Rica sees increase in seismic activity during past 62 years
Over 3,000 noticeable quakes hit Japan in 2012
Over 5,000 earthquakes hit Mexico in 2012
Koreas experienced twice as many quakes in 2012 than in the past
Take a look at the following information and judge for yourself.
"Current graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength and frequency.
A series of massive quakes within 2 days in 2012 prompted an earthquake expert to suggest that the earth is "cracking up"
Costa Rica sees increase in seismic activity during past 62 years
Over 3,000 noticeable quakes hit Japan in 2012
Over 5,000 earthquakes hit Mexico in 2012
Koreas experienced twice as many quakes in 2012 than in the past
The world is now experiencing 3,000+ earthquakes every month!
See the following amazing videos showing a graphical look at earthquakes around the globe, 2011 - 2013. Jesus Christ said that
there would be earthquakes in "diverse" places, and that prophecy is certainly fulfilled in these amazing videos.
Sign - Killed For Your Faith
Matthew 24:9-10 .....'Then shall they deliver you up to be
afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for
my name's
sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another,
and shall hate one another.' ..... Christians are
being persecuted and killed all over the world for their faith in Christ Jesus, especially in places like China, Russia, Africa,
Iraq, Israel, etc. And soon this persecution will rise up in the western world when the mark
of the beast is enforced. The Roman Catholic Church killed tens of
millions of Christians during the dark ages between 538 - 1798AD, and
this evil will
rise again just before Jesus returns.
Sign - Sinful Society
Matthew 24:12 .....'And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.'
..... Idolatry, Adultery,
Violence, Lust, Greed, Homosexuality, Theft, Lying. Just take a look
around you and you will see the world is abounding in these sins, and
not just the heathen world,
but also WITHIN THE CHURCH! This world is truly aching under the burden
of sin, and God will not let it carry on for
much longer. Let's just look at ONE sin - Abortion. In the United
States alone, since 1973, over 50 MILLION babies
have been aborted (killed). The love of many have certainly "waxed
cold" and the fact that many professing
Christians believe that the ten commandments are no longer binding, then
naturally sin is going to increase.
The amount of sin we allow into our homes today through television is staggering! And what do we call it?
ENTERTAINMENT! It was sin that put our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and we now call it entertainment today.
Look at how society was just 50 or so years ago. People could leave
their houses unlocked without fear of a thief entering the house.
People dressed more modestly and women were not dressed in a "sensual"
way. People were a lot more "pious" and caring
and courteous towards one another. There was far more caution as to
what was allowed to be shown on television and in films.
Society as a whole was a lot more stable. But today, society has
degraded to an all time low.Sign - People Will be Lovers of Pleasure
2 Timothy 3:1-5 .....'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of
their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady,
highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
from such turn away.' ..... Again, take a look around the world today and you will that this Bible verse above
concerning the end times is being fulfilled. Now notice that it says people will be lovers of PLEASURE more than
lovers of God, and that they SEEM to be Godly, but in reality they are Christians by name only. This is a perfect
description of the church today. The majority of professing Christians today are more interested in the TV, sports,
partying, socializing, playing games etc, than they are in following Christ Jesus.
Sign - War and Rumours of War
Matthew 24:6-7 .....'And ye shall hear of wars ..... For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.'
..... Many people mock and say that this isn't a sign of the end times, because all these things have been happening for
centuries, but when you look at the stats you
can see that the frequency and intensity is greatly increasing. For instance, over the past century there has been well over
200 wars and conflicts that has brought about the death of well over 150 million people. And there hasn't been one single
day where a war or conflict hasn't been fought.
Sign - Knowledge Shall be Increased
Daniel 12:4 .....'even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.'
This Bible verse concerning the end times can have two applications.
The first is applied to Biblical knowledge
concerning Bible prophecy. Since 1844 the truth of Bible prophecy has
been opened up to God's people like never before and He now has
a remnant church with the full truth. Take a look at the
sanctuary message in the Bible for an eye opening study. The second application
is that of worldly knowledge. Just look at how much technology has developed over the past 50 years. We have seen
an increadible increase of knowledge there.
Sign - True Gospel Preached Throughout the World
Matthew 24:14 .....'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.' ..... The end cannot come with any old "gospel" message being preached to the world, no, Jesus said that "THIS GOSPEL", meaning the TRUE gospel must be preached and then the end would come. This true gospel is being preached through this website and many other websites, not forgetting the pulpit, tv, radio, books etc. The gospel of Christ Jesus is now reaching the ends of the world and the return of Jesus is in sight.We hope you can see from the above signs that we are truly living in the last days, right before the second coming of Christ Jesus. For more signs, see here and signs in the sun moon and stars. "We are standing on the threshold of the crisis of the ages. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another - fire, and flood and earthquake, with war and bloodshed". (E.G.White, Last Day Events) This quote was made in 1914, and just look at what is happening in our world now! We are certainly in the end times! It is our prayer that you will seek the truth and make every effort to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. GET READY! He is coming soon!
Supermoons to Reappear: What Do 3 Successive Supermoons Signal?
As predicted by relevant experts, two supermoons will appear successively on 19th February and 21st March 2019, being two fantastic astronomical sights that follow on from the “super blood wolf moon” which appeared on 21st January.Related information states that the term “supermoon” refers to when the full moon moves to its closest point to the earth, its perigee, at which point the moon’s diameter is 14% larger than normal and its brightness also increases by 30%—it is the largest, roundest moon visible to the naked eye. Three supermoons will appear in succession this year, which is a rarely seen astronomical sight. In actual fact, wonderful sights such as blood moons and supermoons have been making constant appearances over recent years, for example the blood moons of 2011 and 2013, the series of four blood moons that appeared through 2014 and 2015, the super blue blood moon of 2018, which also occurred 152 years ago, and the super blood wolf moon that appeared on 21st January 2019 which perfectly combined the three astronomical sights of a supermoon, a blood moon and a wolf moon, and it was hailed as the most dazzling astronomical wonder.

Many prophets have prophesied that the appearance of blood moons signify extraordinary and great events to come. There are also many Bible experts who firmly believe that the appearance of blood moons are the fulfillment of the prophecy in the Book of Joel 2:29–31: “And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes.” Also, in Revelation 6:12, it states: “And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.”
“The great and terrible day” mentioned in the prophecy in the Book of Joel refers to the great disasters. We have all seen disasters growing in scale over the past few years, with frequent occurrences of such disasters as earthquakes, famines, plagues and floods which are horrifying for us to witness; the world situation is in turmoil and constantly changing, there are frequent eruptions of wars, violent incidents and terrorist attacks which continue to escalate; the world’s atmosphere is getting warmer, and extreme weathers and all kinds of astronomical wonders are occurring all the time. As Christians, then, how should we view these disasters? What does God want to inspire in us by means of these disasters? What work will God perform before the great disasters arrive? It says in the Book of Joel 2:29–31:
“And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit.” According to this prophecy, before the great disasters come, God’s Spirit shall speak His words to water His servants and handmaids. It is prophesied in many places in chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation: “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” And in Revelation 7:14: “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” And in Revelation 14:4: “These are they which follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits to God and to the Lamb.” And in Revelation 2:7, it states: “To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the middle of the paradise of God.” From these prophecies, we can see that God will perform a new stage of work in the last days, which is that He shall express His words and make a group of overcomers before the disasters. These people shall be the first fruits, and they shall be those who serve God and those whom He leads into His kingdom at the end.
God’s words have uncovered this mystery and told us what work God shall perform before the disasters come. Let’s read together some passages of classic words expressed by God:
Open your eyes and look and you can see My great power everywhere! You can be certain of Me everywhere. The universe and expanse are spreading My great power. The words I have spoken have all come true in the warming of the weather, climate change, people’s anomalies, the disorder of social dynamics, and the deceit of people’s hearts. The sun whitens and the moon reddens; all is in disorder. Do you still not see these?
from “Chapter 39” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning
In all nations and all places of the world, earthquakes,
famines, plagues, all manner of disasters occur frequently. As I do My
great work in all nations and all places, these disasters will arise
more severely than at any other time since the creation of the world.
This is the beginning of My judgment of all peoples.
from “Chapter 92” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning
Unknowingly, the situation in every country of the world is
increasingly tense, day by day crumbling, day by day falling into chaos.
The heads of each country all hope to win power in the end. They do not
expect it, but My chastisement is already upon them.
from “Chapter 82” of Utterances of Christ in the Beginning
Today, among the nations of the world, I am doing the work
that I have set out to accomplish. I move about in the midst of
humankind, doing all the work within My plan, and all humanity is
breaking up the sundry nations of the world according to My will. The
people on the earth have their attention fixed on their own destination,
for the day is drawing closer and the angels are sounding their
trumpets. There will be no more delays, and all creation will thereupon
begin to dance in jubilation. Who can extend My day at their will? An
earthling? Or the stars in the sky? Or the angels? When I make an
utterance to initiate the salvation of Israel’s people, My day presses
in upon all of mankind. Every man fears the return of Israel. When
Israel returns, that will be My day of glory, and it will also be the
day when everything changes and becomes renewed. As a righteous judgment
imminently approaches the whole universe, all men grow timid and
fearful, because in the human world, righteousness is unheard of. When
the Sun of righteousness appears, the East will be illuminated, and then
it will in turn illuminate the whole universe, reaching everyone. If man can really carry out My righteousness, what would there be to fear? My people all await the arrival of My day, they all long for the coming of My day. They wait for Me to bring retribution on all of mankind and to arrange mankind’s destination in My role as the Sun of righteousness. My kingdom is coming into shape above the whole universe, and My throne holds sway in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. With the angels’ assistance, My great accomplishment will soon be brought to fruition.
All My sons and My people await My return with bated breath, longing for Me to reunite with them, never to be separated again. How could the multitudinous populace of My kingdom not race toward one another in joyful celebration because of My being together with them? Can this be a reunion for which no price need be paid? I am honorable in all men’s eyes, I am proclaimed in the words of all. When I return, I will conquer all enemy forces even more. The time has come! I will put My work in motion, I will reign as King among men! I am on the point of return! And I am about to depart! This is what everyone is hoping for, it is what they wish. I shall let the whole of humanity see the arrival of My day, and let them welcome the coming of My day with joy!
from “Chapter 27” of God’s Words to the Entire Universe
Throughout the universe I am doing My work, and in the East,
thunderous crashes issue forth endlessly, shaking all nations and
denominations. It is My voice that has led all men into the present. I
shall cause all men to be conquered by My voice, to fall into this
stream, and submit before Me, for I have long since reclaimed My glory
from all the earth and issued it forth anew in the East. Who does not
long to see My glory? Who does not anxiously await My return? Who does
not thirst for My reappearance? Who does not pine for My loveliness? Who
would not come to the light? Who would not look upon the richness of
Canaan? Who does not long for the return of the Redeemer? Who does not
adore the Great Almighty? My voice shall spread throughout the earth; I
wish, facing My chosen people, to speak more words to them. Like the
mighty thunders that shake the mountains and rivers, I speak My words to
the whole universe and to mankind. Hence the words in My mouth have
become man’s treasure, and all men cherish My words. The lightning
flashes from the East all the way to the West. My words are such that
man is loath to give them up and at the same time finds them
unfathomable, but rejoices in them all the more.Like a newborn infant, all men are glad and joyful, celebrating My coming. By means of My voice, I shall bring all men before Me. Thenceforth, I shall formally enter into the race of men so that they will come to worship Me. With the glory that I radiate and the words in My mouth, I shall make it such that all men come before Me and see that the lightning flashes from the East and that I have also descended unto the “Mount of Olives” of the East. They will see that I have already long been on earth, no longer as the Son of the Jews but as the Lightning of the East. For I have long since been resurrected, and have departed from mankind’s midst, and then reappeared with glory among men. I am He who was worshiped countless ages before now, and I am also the infant forsaken by the Israelites countless ages before now. Moreover, I am the all-glorious Almighty God of the present age! Let all come before My throne and see My glorious countenance, hear My voice, and look upon My deeds. This is the entirety of My will; it is the end and the climax of My plan, as well as the purpose of My management. Let every nation worship Me, every tongue acknowledge Me, every man repose his faith in Me, and every people be subject unto Me!
Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019—Jewish Rabbi: The End of the World Is Near
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), at 9:36 p.m. EST on January 20, 2019, the “Super Blood Wolf Moon” will start to appear. This is another rare astronomical spectacle after the “Super Blue Blood Moon” on January 31, 2018. The “Super Blood Wolf Moon” will only be visible in North America, South America, Western Europe and parts of Africa, and Canada will have a panoramic view.“Super Blood Wolf Moon” combines the three astronomical phenomena of “Super Moon,” “Blood Moon,” and “Wolf Moon.” “Super Moon” refers to when the moon reaches a perigee, and when it is full, it looks 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual.
“Blood Moon” is a total lunar eclipse. When the earth, the sun, and the moon line up in a straight line, and the red light in the solar spectrum passes through the earth’s atmosphere and refracts and shines on the moon, the moon will emit an orange-red light.
What does “Wolf Moon” refer to? It refers to the first full moon in January. It is said that a wolf’s voice is particularly loud during this time, and it is also the time when they are the most hungry.

Brian Murphy, a professor at Butler University and director of the Holcomb Observatory & Planetarium, said that at around 9:36 p.m. EST on January 20, you would see a “little notch is sort of taken out of the moon.” At 10:33 p.m., it will move into a partial eclipse. Then it will move into a full eclipse at 11:41 p.m. At 12:12 a.m. the next day, it will move into a maximum eclipse, and the total eclipse will end at 12:43 a.m.
According to Israeli media, the “Super Blood Wolf Moon” will just so happen to fall on the Jewish festival—Tu BiShvat, also known as “New Year of the Trees,” one of the four traditional New Years in the Jewish customs, occurring on the 15th day of Hebrew month, Shevat.
The media also quoted the classics of Judaism, saying that the eclipse is a bad omen for all countries. As for the lunar eclipse, if the moon turns red during the lunar eclipse, like the “blood moon” that will happen this month, this indicates that there will be a world war.
Regarding this rare astronomical phenomenon, Jewish rabbi Mordechai Genut said that the eclipse happening in the month of Shevat shows that the disasters of the world will get greater, and punishments from Heaven will appear more and more everywhere, meaning the end of all things is near.
Genut pointed out that earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will increase significantly, even more than last year. Just like the lunar eclipse conflicts with the sun and the moon in order to dominate the sky, there will be similar conflicts on Earth. Some countries that look strong now will collapse, and some countries will prosper.
The Warnings Noah’s Ark Gives to the People of the Last Days
Most people are familiar with the ark of Noah, because not only does the Bible record it, but because archaeologists also proved that it really does exist, as it was found in the valley of Mount Ararat in Turkey (which is the place Noah’s ark rests on).
Since Adam and Eve didn’t listen to God’s word, but listened to the enticements of the serpent and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, various corrupt satanic dispositions were planted in humans’ hearts. Mankind became more and more deeply corrupted by Satan. When it got to the time of Noah, the earth was filled with violence, evil and licentiousness. Mankind abandoned themselves to hideous depravity, and incited the wrath of God. The meaning of God’s creation of man in the beginning was lost. So God intended to destroy the deeply corrupted mankind with a flood. But this was not God’s original intention. God hoped that when people heard His words, they could abandon the evil acts in their hands, come before Him, and repent and confess to receive His forgiveness, so that they could continue living. Therefore, God called upon Noah to build an ark and preach the gospel, giving people of that time a chance to repent.
Noah firmly believed God’s words without any doubt. When he heard God’s commands, he obeyed God, accepted what God entrusted him with, took all his savings to build the ark and preached the gospel. During that period of time, no matter how great the difficulty and tribulation he encountered, he never shrank. He built the ark for 100 years and preached the gospel for 120 years. However, no one was willing to believe the gospel he preached and that God would destroy the world with a flood. On the contrary, people of that time all hurled invective at, ridiculed and slandered Noah, saying, “You are crazy. You’re stupid. The weather is so nice. How could there be a flood? You have such a good life to lead, why must you preach the gospel everywhere?”
People of that time lived in their own conceptions and imaginations. They didn’t believe what Noah said and thought that God wouldn’t do such things. They were not willing to repent in the presence of God, but still regularly ate, drank, enjoyed themselves, and lived in licentiousness and sin. They refused the gospel Noah preached and God’s salvation and resisted God according to their conceptions and imaginations. Seeing these scenes, God’s heart was in pain. But because of His righteous disposition, He had no choice but to destroy that degenerate and evil mankind. When the time came, He sent the flood, destroyed the mankind who didn’t believe in Him but disobeyed and opposed Him, and kept only Noah’s family of eight who were willing to listen to His words and obey Him.
Nowadays, the last days have already come. The the Lord Jesus’ prophecies are being fulfilled one after the other. All sorts of disasters, such as famine, plague, earthquakes, floods, drought, wars, and so on, are happening more frequently. The earth is filled with violence. Murder, arson, raping and looting can be seen everywhere. In cities, karaoke parlors, foot massage centers, hotels, restaurants and ballrooms can be seen everywhere, which are filled with evil and immorality. People all live in wining and dining, indulge in the lust of their flesh, lose humanity, rationality, integrity and dignity, and have already put God and His teachings to mankind to the back of their minds. They’ve become even worse than people in the time of Noah.
When I saw all these things, I couldn’t help remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:37-39). From the Lord’s words, I could see that two thousand years ago, He spoke this prophecy to warn mankind in the last days: when humans become as corrupt as people in the age of Noah, He will return. Now, no matter whether it is in cities, the countryside, or on all kinds of main internet platforms, everywhere we can hear people preaching the good news that the Lord has returned to save mankind in the last days. Just as the Lord Jesus said, “And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him” (Matthew 25:6). “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

The Lord’s prophecies are being fulfilled one after the other and God’s work of saving mankind has never stopped. Those people who believe God’s words as soon as they hear them, in differing degrees, return before God and accept God’s salvation of the last days, while those who don’t believe God’s words, and still live in evil and corruption and enjoy the pleasures of sin, will certainly be destroyed by God in the end.
God’s intention in working is not to destroy mankind, but to do His utmost to save mankind. God hopes more people are able to listen to His words and come before Him to confess and repent their sins to gain His tolerance and mercy, so that they can survive the great disasters of the last days. Just like the people of Nineveh, from the king to the commoners, they prostrated themselves before God to confess and repent their sins with a true heart, so God tolerated and forgave them. From this, I see that God’s will toward mankind is always good and is more about love and salvation. So, in the present time of the last days, when God sees mankind is corrupt and evil, just like He used Noah in his time, He sends gospel messengers to preach the good news of the His return everywhere. People who are willing to believe in God and listen to God’s words will be saved by God and survive like Noah and the seven members of his family. But the fate of those who don’t believe God’s words will be the same as those who were drowned by the flood in the time of Noah.
Look back to the time of Noah: Because people were evil and corrupt, God destroyed that world with a flood. Then in the present, where we are in the last days, when we hear the sound of the Lord knocking, what kind of choice should we make?
As Super Typhoon Mangkhut Swept Across the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao and Other Places, Where Can We Seek Refuge?
Recently, many media outlets reported that Mangkhut, the 22nd typhoon of this year, attacked the Philippines, Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places, causing serious casualties and grave damage to houses and other buildings.

On September 16, at least 64 people were killed, 33 people were injured, and 45 people were missing in the Philippines due to Typhoon Mangkhut. When it landed in Guangdong, China, two people were killed, and many were missing. As of 5:00 p.m., 213 Hong Kong citizens were injured in the typhoon. The typhoon caused waves to enter the 5th floor of residential buildings in Heng Fa Chuen in the Chai Wan residential area. More than 7,000 households in Hong Kong lost power, and the local schools were suspended on the 17th. In addition, 15 people were injured in Macao. These are only the preliminary statistics on September 16. The total deaths, injuries, and losses caused by the typhoon have not yet been calculated.
In videos on major websites, the typhoon directly blows down trees. The windows of many residences are blown out, and dozens of high-rise residential buildings are also swayed by the typhoon. Some people who are walking outside in typhoon are simply swept away by the wind and water. One netizen left a message saying, “This is awful!” Others left wishes for the safety of residents in these areas! Yes, we all hope that everyone will be safe when disasters come, but our only power in this situation is to hope. Human ability is tiny when such disasters strike. Only God can give us peace. God is our refuge. The Bible says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7).
God says, “Only I am the true God; only I am your refuge. You can only now hide in My secret place, only within Me, and the disasters will not befall you and no calamity will come near to your tent.” Those who come before God have God’s care and protection in disasters, and are followed by the grace of God.
Disaster Is One of the Means by Which God Saves People
Recently, all major news medias have been reporting the great disasters in many countries. On Sep. 4, Japan was hit by Typhoon Jebi which was Japan’s strongest storm in the past 25 years. The typhoon caused Kansai International Airport located on the man-made island in Osaka Bay to be almost entirely submerged by water. The airport’s one only bridge used to connect the airport to the mainland was damaged by a freighter, which interrupted the traffic and stranded about 3000 passengers in the first and second terminal buildings. The airport was entirely closed at 3 p.m.. What’s more, the typhoon blew down houses, took roofs off houses, and turned over cars. In the Kansai region, Japan, the traffic was disrupted, airplanes were grounded, and the Shinkansen services were canceled, so that people could only stay at home with nowhere to go.Apart from the disaster happening in Japan, recently, continuing storms occurred in Guangdong and Taiwan. At the same time, Hawaii, USA also suffered Hurricane Lane, the strongest hurricane on record, and meanwhile, Korea, Japan, and Australia all experienced the record-breaking hot weather.
In recent months, disasters all over the world are far more serious and frequent than ever, which are all rare in history. Facing this, we cannot but think: Though disasters have been happening, why they become greater and greater, more and more frequent, and influence wider and wider area? When so many disasters spring up, what exactly is God’s will?
Matthew 24 records: “And as he sat on the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3). The Lord Jesus said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21). From the Lord Jesus’ words, it can be seen that in the last days, the time when the Lord Jesus comes, there will be great disasters, which have never appeared before. Let’s look at recent years, especially the last few months, no matter typhoons, droughts, or floods, they are all rare and great disasters of all time and happen more and more frequently. This has precisely fulfilled the prophecy of the Lord Jesus.
In the last days, God allows disasters to come upon humans, which contains God’s earnest intention. The Lord Jesus has already secretly come down to China, and the incarnate Almighty God is exactly the returned Lord Jesus. Almighty God has expressed millions of words and done the work of judgment beginning from the house of God. Those who truly believe in God in various religions and denominations all accept Almighty God’s salvation of the last days. Through reading God’s word, they are able to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, justice and evil, so they begin to abandon Satan and return to God. At the same time, when they experience God’s word, their corrupt disposition has also been purified gradually.
However, some people love comfortable life, and some still rush around for their promotion and higher salaries, pursuing wealth and position; they all can’t come before God. It is the first time and also the last God does the work of salvation in the last days. God doesn’t have the heart to see the destruction of these people, so He uses disasters to awaken their heart and to let them return before God. Just as God’s word says: “The disaster originates with Me and is of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot appear as good in My eyes, then you will not escape suffering the disaster” (“You Ought to Prepare a Sufficiency of Good Deeds for Your Destination”).
“Today, not only am I descending upon the nation of the great red dragon, I am also turning My face toward the entire universe, so that the whole empyrean is quaking. Is there a single place that does not undergo My judgment? Is there a single place that does not exist under the scourges that I hurl down? Everywhere I go I have scattered seeds of disaster of all kinds. This is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of salvation for man, and what I extend to him is still a kind of love. I wish to make even more people come to know Me, be able to see Me, and in this way come to revere God whom they have not seen for so many years but who, today, is real” (“The Tenth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe).
In God’s words, we can know disaster is a means of God saving humans, which contains a lot of God’s will. One aspect is that God uses disaster to remind us humans so that we can awaken and return to God to receive His protection. God’s word says: “God created this world, He created this mankind, and moreover He was the architect of ancient Greek culture and human civilization. Only God consoles this mankind, and only God cares for this mankind night and day. Human development and progress is inseparable from the sovereignty of God, and the history and future of mankind are inextricable from the designs of God. If you are a true Christian, then you will surely believe that the rise and fall of any country or nation occurs according to the designs of God. God alone knows the fate of a country or nation, and God alone controls the course of this mankind. If mankind wishes to have a good fate, if a country wishes to have a good fate, then man must bow down to God in worship, repent and confess before God, or else the fate and destination of man will unavoidably end in catastrophe” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind”). Whatever way God does work in, it is all salvation to man. God hopes more people can hear His voice and come before Him. And only through worshiping God can we humans have a good fate.
For those who have come before God, disasters are perfection. God uses disasters to test the chosen people’s faith in and loyalty to God. No matter what unfortunate things the chosen of God encounter in disasters, if they can live by God’s word, obey Him, stand testimonies for Him, and not lose faith in Him, then they are a group of overcomers perfected by God in disasters. They will have God’s care and protection because of their true obedience to God. On the contrary, in disasters, if God’s chosen people don’t have true faith in God and can’t stand testimonies for Him, they will be revealed and eliminated by His work. God uses disasters to save those who can be saved and perfect those who love the truth and pursue the truth. Meanwhile, God also uses disasters to destroy all evil forces and evildoers that are against God. In the end, all kinds of people will be classed according to their kind. This precisely reveals God’s wisdom, almightiness, and righteous disposition.
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
Blood Moon July 2018 —the Great, Terrible Day of Jehovah Approaches!
The rare celestial event—total lunar eclipse, will reappear at 20:22:54 UTC on the night of July 27th, 2018.
According to Wikipedia, in this lunar eclipse, the lunar’s right ascension is 20°28’12’’ and declination is 19°; the penumbral magnitude is 2.679 and the umbral magnitude is 1.609. The entire celestial event will last for nearly four hours. The partial lunar eclipse will last for 235 mins; the total lunar eclipse will last for 103 mins, making it the longest eclipse in this century. In the meantime, the moon will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color, which is the origin of its being called “blood moon.”

It said that the eclipse won’t be visible to observers in North America. But lunar scientist Noah Petro, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Centre, believed that observers in much of Africa, the Middle East, Southern Asia, and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful, given cooperative weather. Observers don’t need any kind of special equipment; they can see the spectacular blood moon with naked eyes or ordinary telescopes.
Frequent Appearance of the Blood Moon Draws the World’s Attention
This total lunar eclipse will last for a long time, which attracts the attention of astronomers. Also, it causes Christians to think: The blood moon reappears, and how soon will the great and terrible day of Jehovah come?
Paul Begley, a Christian missionary in Indiana, believed that July 27 is not the end of the world, but it can be seen that the blood moon was prophetically prophesied of the last days in the scriptures from Acts 2 and Revelation 6.
The blood moon also once occurred several times. Especially the appearance of the four blood moons during 2014 to 2015 coincided with the great holidays of Judaism. Respectively, they happened on April 15, 2014, April 4, 2015 (the Jewish Passovers), on October 8, 2014, and September 28, 2015 (the Feast of Tabernacles). Such an extraordinary phenomenon causes us to pay more attention to the prophecy in the Bible concerning the blood moon.
It’s recorded in Revelation 6:12, “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” And Joel 2:29-31 record, “And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Jehovah comes.” From these verses we can easily know that the blood moon will appear before the arrival of Jehovah’s great and terrible day, that is, the appearance of the blood moon is a sign that the great disaster is near.
Nowadays, disasters are frequently occurring around the world, such as wars, earthquakes, droughts, floods, viruses, and so on. The prophecies in the Book of Revelation have already been fulfilled; Jehovah’s great and terrible day will soon arrive and the great disaster is drawing near.
The Lord Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). We believe that the Lord Jesus won’t abandon every sheep who truly seeks and searches for Him. Brothers and sisters, let’s pray and call on the Lord together, asking Him to enlighten and move us, so that we can find the Lord’s footsteps soon and welcome His appearance. All this we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!
Where Is Our Refuge From the Widespread Terror Attacks?
Following the Manchester Arena bombing on May 22 which killed 22 people, another terror attack took place at London Bridge and Borough Market at around 10 P.M. Saturday. A white van veered on and off the bridge sidewalk, running over pedestrians, and then three men jumped out of the vehicle and stabbed patrons indiscriminately at the bars and restaurants of Borough Market. 8 people were killed and 48 others injured at the scene.
Reading the news, I suddenly felt that the epidemic of terrorist attacks nowadays is actually another order of catastrophe. Since December there have been four terrorist attacks against the Christian minority in Egypt. And recently, a suicide bombing was carried out at Manchester Arena in England. Before the families of the victims of the Manchester attack were able to deal with their shock and grief, the tragedy was unfolded at London Bridge. The world is really tumultuous and fraught with peril. During these years, wars, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, plagues, floods, droughts, hail and other disasters have struck frequently and endangered our lives. It says in the Bible: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). The prophecy has been fulfilled. In recent years, as disasters are all around and terrorist incidents keep happening, where is our refuge? Are these natural and man-made disasters giving us the sign that the Lord Jesus has already come?
Yesterday when I was looking up some information on a website, I typed the keyword “refuge” into the search bar and hit Enter, and saw some words among the search results:
“You should know that it is the last days now. The devil Satan, like a roaring lion, walks about, searching for people to devour. All manner of plagues are now breaking out and there are many different kinds of evil spirits. Only I am the true God; only I am your refuge. You can only now hide in My secret place, only within Me, and the disasters will not befall you and no calamity will come near to your tent.”
“I am amongst you, I support you and I am your refuge.”
Having read these words, I was surprised, thinking: Men are unable to say this. Only God is our refuge. These words must come from the Holy Spirit! Then I thought of the scriptures: “O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction” (Jeremiah 16:19). “The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence” (2 Samuel 22:3). The prophets and saints in ages past as well as we Christians today who follow the Lord, have all realized that only God is our refuge. It is true that now is the last days when various disasters are plaguing the world. Every time when calamity or danger comes upon us, it is also the time when we need God’s rescue.
The arrival of the disaster will make us hurriedly come before God, because we know that only by depending on God can we receive God’s care and protection. In this light, the repeated disasters are exactly one of God’s methods of saving us. However, we are simply too numb and insentient to realize this salvation. In many cases, we feel afraid and anxious amidst the calamities and earnestly pray to God, asking for His help, care and protection. Yet once the calamities have passed and we live in peace and comfort again, we will put God to the back of our mind and all day think of how to eat and enjoy ourselves in a better way and how to lead a happy and joyful life. We like to stray from God and live freely, doing whatever we want. We believe that we are already worshiping God by going to church on Sundays with our family. But could this really allow us to be protected by God in the disaster?
The prophecies about the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus have basically all come true, which shows that the Lord is very likely to have come. Our utmost priority is to seek where the Lord has appeared to do His work. Only if we keep up with God’s footsteps and meet the Lord’s second coming can we enter the refuge truly and be cared for and protected by God.
Why Is the World Dark and Evil?
The answer from God’s word:
“Man lost his God-fearing heart after being corrupted by Satan and lost the function that one of God’s creatures should have, becoming an enemy disobedient to God. Man lived under Satan’s domain and followed Satan’s orders; thus, God had no way to work among His creatures, and was all the more unable to win fear from His creatures. Man was created by God, and ought to worship God, but man actually turned his back to God and worshiped Satan. Satan became the idol in man’s heart. Thus God lost His standing in man’s heart, which is to say that He lost the meaning of His creation of man….”
from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
“After several thousand years of corruption, man has become numb and
dull-witted, a demon that opposes God, to the extent that man’s
rebelliousness toward God has been documented in the books of history,
and even man himself is incapable of giving a full account of his
rebellious behavior—for man has been profoundly corrupted by Satan, and
has been led astray by Satan that he knows not where to turn. Even
today, man still betrays God: When man sees God, he betrays Him, and
when he cannot see God, so too does he betray Him. There are even those
who, having witnessed God’s curses and God’s wrath, still betray Him.
And so I say that man’s sense has lost its original function, and that
man’s conscience, too, has lost its original function. … Born into such a
filthy land, man has been severely blighted by society, he has been
influenced by feudal ethics, and he has been taught at ‘institutes of
higher learning.’ The backward thinking, corrupt morality, mean view on
life, despicable philosophy, utterly worthless existence, and depraved
lifestyle and customs—all of these things have severely intruded upon
man’s heart, and severely undermined and attacked his conscience. As a
result, man is ever more distant from God, and ever more opposed to Him.
Man’s disposition becomes more vicious by the day, and there is not a
single person who will willingly give up anything for God, not a single
person who will willingly obey God, nor, moreover, a single person who
will willingly seek the appearance of God. Instead, under the domain of
Satan, man does nothing but pursue pleasure, giving himself over to the
corruption of the flesh in the land of mud.”
from “To Have an Unchanged Disposition Is to Be in Enmity to God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
“None actively seek out the footsteps or appearance of God, and none
wish to exist in the care and keeping of God. Rather, they are willing
to rely on the corrosion of Satan and the evil one in order to adapt to
this world and to the rules of life the wicked mankind follows. At this
point, the heart and spirit of man are sacrificed to Satan and become
its sustenance. Moreover, the human heart and spirit become a place in
which Satan can reside and a fitting playground for it. In this way, man
unknowingly loses his understanding of the principles of being human,
and of the worth and purpose of human existence. The laws from God and
the covenant between God and man gradually fade away in man’s heart
until man no longer seeks or pays heed to God. As time passes, man no
longer understands why God created man, nor does he understand the words
that come from the mouth of God or realize all that is from God. Man
begins to resist the laws and decrees from God; the heart and spirit of
man become deadened. …”
from “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
“From when man first had social sciences, the mind of man was
occupied by science and knowledge. Then science and knowledge became
tools for the ruling of mankind, and there was no longer sufficient room
for man to worship God, and no more favorable conditions for the
worship of God. The position of God sunk ever lower in the heart of man.
A world in man’s heart with no place for God is dark, empty without
hope. And so arose many social scientists, historians, and politicians
to express theories of social science, the theory of human evolution,
and other theories that contravene the truth that God created man, to
fill the heart and mind of man. And in this way, those who believe that
God created everything become ever fewer, and those who believe in the
theory of evolution become ever greater in number. More and more people
treat records of the work of God and His words during the Old Testament
age as myth. In their hearts, people become indifferent to the dignity
and greatness of God, to the tenet that God exists and holds dominion
over all things. The survival of mankind and the fate of countries and
nations are no longer important to them. Man lives in a hollow world
only concerned with eating, drinking, and the pursuit of pleasure. … Few
people take it upon themselves to seek out where God does His work
today, or to look for how He presides over and arranges the destination
of man. And in this way, human civilization unconsciously becomes ever
more incapable of meeting the wishes of man, and there are even many
people who feel that, living in such a world, they are less happy than
people who have gone. Even people of countries that used to be highly
civilized air such grievances. For without the guidance of God, no
matter how much rulers and sociologists wrack their brains to preserve
human civilization, it is to no avail. No one can fill the emptiness in
man’s heart, for no one can be the life of man, and no social theory can
free man from the emptiness with which he is afflicted. Science,
knowledge, freedom, democracy, leisure, comfort, these are but a
temporary respite. Even with these things, man will inevitably sin and
bemoan the injustices of society. These things cannot allay man’s
craving and desire to explore. Because man was made by God and the
senseless sacrifices and explorations of man can only lead to more
distress. Man will exist in a constant state of fear, will not know how
to face the future of mankind, or how to face the path that lies ahead.
Man will even come to fear science and knowledge, and fear even more the
feeling of emptiness within him. In this world, regardless of whether
you live in a free country or one without human rights, you are utterly
incapable of escaping the fate of mankind. Whether you are the ruler or
the ruled, you are utterly incapable of escaping the desire to explore
the fate, mysteries, and destination of mankind. Much less are you
capable of escaping the bewildering sense of emptiness. Such phenomena,
which are common to all of mankind, are called social phenomena by
sociologists, yet no great man can come forth to solve such problems.
Man, after all, is man. The position and life of God cannot be replaced
by any man. Mankind does not just require a fair society in which
everyone is well-fed and is equal and free, but the salvation of God and
His provision of life to them. Only in this way can the needs, yearning
to explore, and spiritual emptiness of man be resolved. If the people
of a country or a nation are unable to receive the salvation and care of
God, then such a country or nation will tread the road to ruin, toward
darkness, and shall be annihilated by God.”
from “God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
“… in the time of Noah, men had been eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage to such a point that it was unbearable for God to
witness, so He sent down a great flood to destroy mankind and left
behind only Noah’s family of eight and all kinds of birds and beasts. In
the last days, however, those kept by God are all those who have been
loyal to Him until the end. Though both were times of great corruption
unbearable for God to witness, and mankind in both ages was so corrupt
that he denied God as the Lord, all men in the time of Noah were
destroyed by God. Mankind in both ages has grieved God greatly, yet God
has remained patient with men in the last days until now. Why is this?
Have you never given thought to this? If you truly do not know, then let
Me tell you. The reason that God can deal graciously with men in the
last days is not that they are less corrupt than men in the time of Noah
or that they have shown repentance to God, much less is it that God
cannot bear to destroy men in the last days where technology has
advanced. Rather, it is that God has work to do in a group of men in the
last days and this will be done by God incarnate Himself. Furthermore,
God shall choose a part of this group as His objects of salvation, the
fruit of His management plan, and bring such men with Him into the next
from “Do You Know? God Has Done a Great Thing Among Men” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
“God laments the future of mankind, and grieves the fall of mankind.
He feels sorrow for mankind’s slow march toward decline and the path of
no return. Mankind has broken the heart of God and renounced Him to seek
the evil one. None has ever given thought to the direction in which a
mankind such as this will move. It is precisely for this reason that
none sense the anger of God. None seek a way to please God or try to
become closer to God. Moreover, none seek to comprehend the sorrow and
pain of God. Even after hearing the voice of God, man continues on his
path away from God, evading the grace and care of God, and shunning the
truth of God, and he would rather sell himself to Satan, the enemy of
God. And who has given any thought as to how God will act toward an
unrepentant man who has dismissed Him? None know that the repeated
reminders and exhortations of God are because He holds in His hands an
unprecedented disaster that He has prepared, one that will be unbearable
for the flesh and soul of man. This disaster is not merely a punishment
of the flesh but of the soul as well. You must know this: When the plan
of God is made void and when His reminders and exhortations beget no
response, what anger will He unleash? This will be like nothing that has
heretofore been experienced or heard by any creation. And so I say,
this disaster is unprecedented and will never be repeated. This is
because only one creation and one salvation are within the plan of God.
This is the first time and also the last.”from “God Is the Source of Man’s Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh
The Alarm of the Last Days Has Struck
Two thousand years ago, when the disciples of the Lord Jesus asked Him what would be the sign of His coming and of the end of the world, the Lord Jesus answered, “And
you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not
troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers
places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:6-8).
both natural and man-made disasters occur frequently all around the
world. They spread over more and more regions and grow more and more
ferocious. Earthquakes, floods, droughts, famines, and plagues can be
seen everywhere; violence, racial conflicts, and terrorist attacks
frequently take place; the situation of every country is in turmoil and
wars continue…. The Lord Jesus’ prophecies about the end of the world
have been fulfilled one after another. Let’s list some disasters that
occurred in recent years throughout the world, and it can be proven.
April 2015, Avian Influenza H5N2 was found in 16 states of the United
States. According to experts, it was the most severe avian plague during
the last 30 years in the USA.
April 25, 2015, an 8.1 magnitude earthquake occurring in central Nepal
killed about 9,000 people and injured more than 22,000. It was the worst
natural disaster to strike Nepal during the last 80 years.
August 2015, North Korea was hit by its worst drought in a century, and
more than 18 million people were put under the threat of famine.
November 2015 to July 2016, many terrorist attacks took place in Paris,
Brussels and Nice of France, killing at least over two hundred people
and injuring more than seven hundred.
February 23, 2016, at least seven tornadoes swept across Louisiana and
Mississippi in the USA, leaving a trail of destruction wherever they
In April 2016, India suffered its worst drought in 40 years, resulting in 300 million people in shortage of drinking water.
May 19, 2016, an authoritative report warned that superbugs were
threatening human health. According to statistics, the global annual
death toll from superbugs ran into 700,000. More frightening was that
antibiotics against bacterial invasion had gradually lost their
effectiveness, and the medical profession had no other “powerful”
antibiotics that could replace them. Experts pointed out that if no
action was taken, superbugs could kill one person every three seconds by
During June 2016, severe flooding occurred in Germany, France, Belgium, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Mexico and other countries.
June 2016, catastrophic flooding hit Hubei Province, China. Till July
14, the heavy rainfall had affected 17 cities, 79 counties, and 9571.4
thousand people in Hubei Province.
June 12, 2016, the largest shooting in recent years took place in a gay
nightclub in Orlando, United States. It killed 50 people, and injured
dozens of people.
On July 3, 2016, the deadliest suicide bomb attack in the last 7 years hit southern Baghdad, Iraq, resulting in over 200 deaths.
the early morning of August 24, 2016, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck
central Italy, and nearly three quarters of the hardest hit areas were
destroyed. By the end of the morning, nearly 250 people were killed and
the death toll was expected to continue rising.
August 2016, according to a global temperature report routinely issued
by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States,
in July this year, the global land and ocean surface temperatures were
0.87°C above the 20th century average for the same period. This was the
15th consecutive month of record-breaking high temperatures, which is
the longest such streak in the 137-year record.
September 9, 2016, in defiance of international condemnation, North
Korea conducted its fifth nuclear test this year. The UN Security
Council held an emergency meeting to discuss it. Both US and South
Korean authorities expressed their determination to take strong measures
towards North Korea. The North Korean nuclear issue was escalated
(Part of the news above are cited from the Internet media.)
from various frequent disasters and the turbulent international
situation, there also appeared unusual celestial events: From April 2014
to September 2015, four consecutive blood moons appeared in the sky,
accompanied with the rare phenomenon of the sun becoming black, which
was unprecedented in history. Most Bible expositors agreed it boded a most significant event of the world to take place.
with various frequent natural and man-made disasters and rare
astronomical phenomena, many people see the fulfillment of the Bible
prophecies. The great disasters are drawing closer, and the end of the
world is soon to come. Although man can improve their material life
through technology, yet when faced with the disasters, man is
overwhelmed with fear and worries. They can’t find out any effective
measures to resist the strike of the disaster, but only suffer it
helplessly or be destroyed by it. In the face of the irresistible
disasters today, man has to give serious consideration to the fate and
destination of mankind. However, with mere fear towards the befalling of
the disasters, man has no idea where these disasters come from and who
is in command. Why are there so many disasters for people in the last
days? What course should this mankind take?
In the last days, the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God—expresses millions of words which reveal to man all the mysteries of God’s six-thousand-year management plan. He warns man, “The
disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me. If you
cannot work for good in My presence, then you will not escape suffering
the disaster” (“You Ought to Do Enough Good Deeds to Prepare for Your Destination”). “When
God gets exceedingly angry, the whole world will thus suffer all kinds
of disasters, as if volcanoes are being split. From the sky above, it
can be well seen that on earth all kinds of disasters are closing in on
all mankind day by day. From a high spot, on earth there seem to be
various scenes before an earthquake: Fiery water is scurrying
everywhere, lava flowing everywhere, mountains moving, and chilling
light flashing everywhere, and the whole world is sunk in the fire. This
is just the scene when God gets furious and the time when God judges.
No flesh can escape”
(“The Interpretation of the Eighteenth Piece of Word”).
God’s words, with authority and power, brimming with righteousness and
majesty, show us the source of disasters, the end of the world, and the
fate of mankind. Some can’t help but ask, “Since God created this world,
why must He destroy it? Is God not a loving and merciful God? Why does
He hurl forth His rage upon man?” To understand these questions, we
might as well look back to the time of Noah’s ark. The Bible says, “The
earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with
violence. And God looked on the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for
all flesh had corrupted his way on the earth. And God said to Noah, The
end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with
violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth”
(Genesis 6:11-13). At that time, mankind was corrupted to a point. No
one listened to God’s words, much less did anyone worship God. Mankind
advocated wickedness, followed the worldly trend, and lived amid evil
and licentiousness concerning themselves with eating, drinking, and the
pursuit of pleasure, enjoying the pleasure of sin. Their wickedness was
unbearable for God to witness and infuriated God’s righteous and
unoffendable disposition. Thus, God had His plan of destroying the world
with a flood. But God cared about mankind’s ignorance and pitifulness,
so He still gave man chances to repent. God commanded Noah to build an
ark and spread the gospel.
Noah preached for 120 years, yet no one believed God’s words, much less
did anyone come before God to confess, repent, and return to Him. Then
God’s wrath came upon man. After the flood, only Noah’s family of eight
survived; others were all swamped and destroyed by the flood. Also it’s
known to us all that God razed Sodom with the fire of brimstone. Sodom
brimmed with sin and murder then. Not only did people in the city not
accept God’s warnings, they also did not fear God’s punishment. To the
contrary, they scorned God’s existence, were hostile toward His coming,
and harmed His messengers and all righteous people. Their conduct had
reached the level of opposition and uproar against God. As for such an
evil city, God no longer extended mercy, but directly used the fire to
totally destroy them and make them cease to exist. From this, we see in
God’s disposition, there are not only lovingkindness and mercy, but also
righteousness, majesty, and wrath. God is very principled in actions.
He will bestow mercy and tolerance upon those listening to His words and
obeying Him, and make them live in His care and protection. Instead, to
those who don’t believe God’s words but reject God’s calling and
salvation, and who even oppose Him and are stubbornly against Him, God
will cast out His anger fiercely to the extent that such mankind
disappears before God’s eyes. It is just as Almighty God says, “The
mercy and tolerance of God do indeed exist, but God’s holiness and
righteousness when He unleashes His wrath also show man the side of God
that brooks no offense. When man is fully capable of obeying the
commands of God and acts in accordance to God’s requirements, God is
abundant in His mercy toward man; when man has been filled with
corruption, hatred and enmity for Him, God is profoundly angry. And to
what extent is He profoundly angry? His wrath will keep on until God no
longer sees man’s resistance and evil deeds, until they are no longer
before His eyes. Only then will God’s anger disappear” (“God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II”).
this mankind has far surpassed people in the time of Noah in the extent
of their evil and corruption. And their evil deeds are no different
from those of people in Sodom. The world trends are getting more evil:
Homosexuality is legalized; pornography, gambling, and narcotics are
widespread; divorce rate and crime rate remain high; men all advocate
evil, confusing right and wrong. No one stresses conscience and sense
anymore. No one thirsts for the truth, or yearns for the appearance of
the true light, much less takes the initiative to seek for the arrival
of God. More and more people treat God’s previous work and word as just
myths and legends. Men have no desire at all to seek the existence of
God, and moreover, detest and hate God’s coming. Even the religious
world is filled with the voices that condemn Christ, the voices that
deny and condemn God, blaspheme God’s work. Religious pastors and elders
even cooperate with those in power to condemn and resist Almighty God’s
work in the last days, to arrest and persecute those who preach the
kingdom gospel. Their opposition against God has reached the frenzied,
hysterical extent. Isn’t this a recurrence of the people in Sodom and
Gomorrah persecuting angels who conveyed God’s will? God created man so
that man would worship God, walk the right path of life, live in God’s
blessings and protection, and not be fooled and corrupted by Satan any
more. However, man ignores God and rejects God’s exhortation and
admonitions. They’d rather be afflicted, trampled, and devoured by Satan
than turn from the evil way and follow God. Toward such an evil mankind
who is irredeemably corrupted and who hates the truth and God, what is
the attitude of God?
Almighty God says, “Then
look upon the present age: Such righteous men as Noah, who could
worship God and shun evil, have ceased to exist. Yet God is still
gracious toward this mankind, and absolves mankind during this final
era. God seeks those who long for Him to appear. He seeks those who are
able to hear His words, those who have not forgotten His commission and
offer up their heart and body to Him. He seeks those who are as obedient
as babes before Him, and do not resist Him. If you are unhindered by
any force in your devotion to God, then God shall look upon you with
favor, and shall bestow His blessings upon you” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind”). “God
had despised man because man opposed Him, but in His heart, His care,
concern, and mercy for humanity remained unchanged. Even when He
destroyed mankind, His heart remained unchanged. When humanity was full
of corruption and disobedient toward God to a certain extent, God had
to, because of His disposition and His essence, and in accordance with
His principles, destroy this humanity. But because of God’s essence, He
still pitied mankind, and even wanted to use various ways to redeem
mankind so they could continue to live. Instead, man opposed God,
continued to disobey God, and refused to accept God’s salvation, that
is, refused to accept His good intentions. No matter how God called to
them, reminded them, supplied them, helped them, or tolerated them, man
did not understand or appreciate it, nor did they pay attention. In His
pain, God still did not forget to give man His maximum tolerance,
waiting for man to turn around. After He reached His limit, He did what
He had to do without any hesitation. In other words, there was a
specific time period and process from the moment God planned to destroy
mankind to the official start of His work in destroying mankind. This
process existed for the purpose of enabling man to turn around, and was
the last chance God gave to man” (“God’s Work, God’s
Disposition, and God Himself I”). From Almighty God’s words, we know
that although mankind’s corruption has reached its peak, God still gives
man ample opportunities to repent, and uses various ways to redeem
mankind so they can continue to live. This is because God’s heart is
good. His care, mercy, and salvation for mankind will never change. God
doesn’t want to see mankind destroyed, who He created with His own
hands. But if man refuses to repent and stubbornly resists God, at a
certain point, God would take back His mercy and tolerance, and show His
majesty and wrath to man, just like when He burned Sodom. At that time,
man could no longer retrieve the lost chance. So now we witness all
kinds of disasters coming down upon mankind, such as flood, hail,
drought, earthquake, famine, plague, and war. God does this firstly to
punish and destroy the wicked among men and to demolish all unrighteous
things, and meanwhile to warn and admonish man. God speaks to mankind
through various disasters to urge them to reflect, in hope that man
could be like the people of Nineveh, abandoning the violence in their
hands and turning away from their evil ways, and coming back before God
to confess their sins, repent, and gain the salvation from God. Which is
just as Almighty God says, “Today, not only am I descending
upon the nation of the great red dragon, I am also turning My face
toward the entire universe, so that the whole empyrean is quaking. Is
there a single place that does not undergo My judgment? Is there a
single place that does not exist under the scourges that I hurl down?
Everywhere I go I have scattered ‘seeds of disaster’ of all kinds. This
is one of the ways in which I work, and is without doubt an act of
salvation for man, and what I extend to him is still a kind of love. I
wish to make even more people come to know Me, be able to see Me, and in
this way come to revere God whom they have not seen for so many years
but who, today, is real” (“The Tenth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe).
Who Can Help Us Mankind Truly?
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
For days, continued strong winds and heavy rains have hit Sri Lanka’s
central and southern regions, including Hambantota and Matara. The
floods and landslides following torrential rains have killed 212 people
with 79 others missing, and over 700,000 people have been affected by
the weather calamity, the Disaster Management Center (DMC) said in its
latest report issued at 6 P.M. Sunday. Highways and railway lines in the
south of the country remain inundated because of flooding and
landslides. The Foreign Ministry said that an appeal had been made to
the United Nations and neighboring countries to provide help on May 26.
Reading the news, I felt once again that currently the disasters are threatening our lives. When a disaster befalls us, we appear so weak and powerless and are filled with terror and helplessness. With no alternative, we can only seek help from neighboring countries and international rescue organizations. As the saying goes, “When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides.” Other countries may help the disaster-hit countries to live up to their humanitarian responsibilities and obligations. But how much can they help since disasters are now frequently happening around the world? Today Sri Lanka needs assistance because of floods and mudslides, tomorrow the war refugees elsewhere may appeal for help, and the day after tomorrow another place will probably be stricken by some disaster…. Those who help today will perhaps be helped tomorrow. What’s more, all that man can provide is material assistance. Yet who can save our lives in disaster? Who can help and save us truly in a life-or-death situation?
The Bible records: When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, Pharaoh pursued them with his army while the Red Sea blocked their progress. At this threatening moment, Moses didn’t turn to any man for help but earnestly prayed to Jehovah God. His true faith won God’s mercy and help. God divided the Red Sea and saved the Israelites from Pharaoh’s army. When Joshua led the people of Israel to Jericho, the city surrounded by a high wall closed its gates and thus they were unable to pass through it to get to the land of Canaan promised by God. Faced with the difficulty, Joshua didn’t seek help from any man but prayed to Jehovah God and depended on Him. Then God instructed the Israelites to walk around the city for seven days. On the seventh day, the wall of the city crumbled as the Israelites shouted with a great shout. As such, Joshua conquered Jericho without losing a soldier. The three friends of Daniel in the blazing furnace and Daniel in the hungry lion’s den—who helped them escape calamity? Is it themselves? Or the king Nebuchadnezzar? Or the king Darius? None. It is God who saved them! The facts above prove that only God can save us and that we can only depend on Him. As it says in the Bible: “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (Psalm 18:2). “O Israel, trust you in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. You that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield” (Psalm 115:9-11).
In recent years, there are more and more disasters all over the world with increasing devastation, wars, floods, droughts, earthquakes, mudslides and so on, constantly threatening our lives. God’s word says: “Without My existence, mankind can only perish and suffer the invasion of plagues. None will ever again see the beauteous sun and moon or the green world; mankind shall encounter only the frigid night and the inexorable valley of the shadow of death. I am mankind’s only salvation. I am mankind’s only hope and even more, I am He on whom the existence of all mankind rests. Without Me, mankind will immediately become stagnant. Without Me, mankind will suffer catastrophe and be trod upon by all manner of ghosts…. The disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot work for good in My presence, then you will not escape suffering the disaster.” From God’s words we can see that the frequent disasters today are God’s repeated warnings to us man. If we can awaken in these warnings and seek God’s help and guidance, then God will be there to truly help and support us in disaster. Only God can keep us from the devastation of various disasters. And we can only receive God’s care and protection when we come before God, confess and repent to Him, and seek His help.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. – Joel 2:31
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; – Revelation 6:12
Now all kinds of disasters are getting bigger and bigger, the prophecies in the Bible become true one by one, and countless Christians are looking forward to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At this crucial moment, what should we do to welcome the second coming of the Lord Jesus and avoid being abandoned by Him? This question is worthy of our deep thought. What you might be interested in are as follows:
Since the beginning of this summer, the extreme weather has happened frequently in Mainland China. In May, abnormal weather appeared in Beijing. That heat struck Beijing was succeeded by large-area rare evening glow in the sky. In June, sixty-one cities of eleven provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south of China suffered floods, and the casualties and economic losses caused by the floods couldn’t be estimated. Most surprisingly, People’s Daily Online, one of the official media organizations, reported that it unexpectedly drifted snow in a few areas of Heilongjiang Province in June. At about six o’clock a.m. on June 9, Fenghuangshan scenic spot under the charge of Shanhetun Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province had snowfall; at about ten o’clock in the morning, it drifted light snow in Yaxue posthouse of Xuexiang, Heilongjiang, and the snow lasted for about one hour; hailstones also fell in Xuexiang. Since July, the hot weather has yet continued. In the evening of July 7, squall line weather hit Beijing suddenly, with high wind, rain and hail coming together. This was another unusual weather, in which it had a fall of hail in summer, and which followed the hail weather happening in June in FengTai District. On the evening of July 13, Beijing was attacked by the violent storm again accompanied by hail stones, lightning flashing and thunder pealing in the skies over Beijing. To avoid being struck by thunderbolt, the Capital Airport suspended all the incoming and outgoing flights. On July 14, in Shanghai, it hailed in Pudong New Area, while the temperature approached 40°C in Xuhui District. Within a day, the devil capital had a total different world. …
So much strange weather seemed to indicate something. However, after these disasters and curious phenomena occurred, news media hardly focused on them. Some net friends even posted and said, “The media doesn’t report these disasters but reports show-business news items violently, and has made the news up on the lead stories, while the disaster news is paid little attention to.” Others also posted and said, “Now there are too many disasters, so we have become inured to the unusual.”
However, there is one point that has to be mentioned. As is well known to the people who believe in the Lord Jesus, the Bible prophesies, “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” (Luke 21:11). “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). Hail, snow in June, rare evening glow emerged in the sky, the terrible floods and so on, all of these disasters are warning us that the prophecies related to the last days in the Bible have been fulfilled.
Some people will say, “So what is it even if these prophecies have been fulfilled? A little more disasters though there are, don’t we live all the same?”
The Bible records, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-29). In the times of Noah, before God destroyed the world with flood, He commanded Noah to make an ark. Noah believed God’s word. He made the ark as he spread the gospel. People then ate and drank, they married wives, and they were given in marriage, living in the licentious and corrupt situation and remaining impenitent. Until the day when the world was destroyed by flood, God sent a forty-day-and-night torrential rain and destroyed the whole world; in the days before God destroyed Sodom, it was filled with music and dancing night after night, alluring and bewitching. The people of Sodom, like those in Noah’s time, ate, drank, and feasted. Nevertheless, when the day of God came, fire and brimstone came down from heaven, and burned Sodom into ashes… How about us, the present people? Compared with the people in the times of Noah and Sodom, people in this age are ever more evil and corrupt than them in every way. We live in fleshly enjoyment of eating, drinking and pleasure-seeking, advocate the evil trends, and don’t worship God… Although we are able to live as usual, if we remain impenitent, when God’s day comes, won’t we have the same outcome as that of the people in those two ages?
It is recorded in the third and fourth chapter of the Book of Jonah in the Bible that the Ninevites wore sackcloth and ashes, confessed and repented their sins before God. The people of Nineveh and the people of Sodom alike, esteemed evil, degenerated, worshiped idols, and didn’t worship God, but all the Ninevites, from the king to his subjects, with the beast wore sackcloth and ashes, confessed and repented their sins before God when they heard Jonah convey God’s word that He would send down the catastrophe to destroy them. Due to their sincere repentance, God spared them from the catastrophe that He had said. From the historical facts we can see: The catastrophe is in the hand of God. God allows the catastrophe to come upon us not to destroy us but to warn us. He hopes that we can revive in the frequent disasters, understand the earnest intentions with which God works to save us, and come before God to repent like the people of Nineveh. God doesn’t have the heart to see us fall into the catastrophe.
God says, “The disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot work for good in My presence, then you will not escape suffering the disaster”. This passage let me see God’s thoughtful kind intention. God is waiting for us to turn to Him. No matter how great the catastrophe is in the last days, only if we truly repent to Him, are willing to rely on and look onto Him, and come before Him, can we get His care and protection!

Irma, a category five hurricane, has sustained winds of 183 mph (295 km/h) for more than 33 hours, becoming the longest storm to sustain this speed since the 1970s. Predicted by the Meteo France, it may sustain this speed until it reaches Bahamas.
After the once-in-a-hundred-year total solar eclipse, we encountered Typhoon Hato. Hong Kong Weather Bureau raised its typhoon warning signal to 10, the highest level. And it’s closely followed by the great flood in America which can be said once in a millennium and caused by Hurricane Harvey, which is Category 4. Before the influence of Hurricane Harvey to America gone, a Category 5 Hurricane Irma came and it lunged at America again after ravaging Caribbean Sea. These disasters, occurred one after another, have continually broken all weather recordings, which made people feel fear. Moreover, many meteorologists have predicted that the future disasters will be greater and greater.
Way back when the total solar eclipse occurred, many people thought it was God’s reminding to us and there will be disasters afterwards. An American preacher, Anne Graham Lotz published a blog post, “Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?” to remind people that the solar eclipse was not something that should be celebrated but God’s warning to us, and maybe God’s judgment will come upon America. He called on people to return to God and render our hearts in sincere, heartfelt repentance. Australian pastor, Steve Cioccolanti who is a Discover Ministry also posted a video, “IS AMERICA IN THE BIBLE | GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE AUG 21st, 2017 A REAL END TIME SIGN” and he thought the solar eclipse was the sign of the last days. What’s more, eight American church leaders claimed in a report that the solar eclipse was the sign of the last days and also the sign of the Lord Jesus’ return.
Let’s check the Bible together:
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:25).
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).
From these scriptures, we can see the prophecies about the last days have almost all been fulfilled. The disasters we encounter are greater and greater, from which we can see the Lord’s day has come. We are all expecting the Lord’s coming, so that He can take us to be by His side from the sufferings of the last days, and we can be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven. From the upper trend in disaster occurrence, we can see welcoming the Lord’s return has become a top priority, which is also extremely urgent. But do we really know how to welcome the Lord’s second coming? Many believers think we just need to earnestly serve God; some think no one can know the Lord’s coming, but when He comes, people will know it. We all have different opinions about welcoming the Lord’s return and different views about the scriptures. But the Lord Jesus taught us only by being wise virgins and recognizing the voice of the bridegroom can we welcome the Lord’s return. Just as it is said in the Bible, “However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:13). From this verse, we can see that when the Lord Jesus comes, He will speak more words and will show us things to come. At that time, only those who focus on hearing the voice of God will be able to receive the return of the Lord. Because it is recorded in the Bible, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). Thank God. May we all be wise virgins and welcome the Lord’s second coming!
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. – Joel 2:31
And it shall come to pass in that day, said the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day: – Amos 8:9
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; – Revelation 6:12
And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: – Acts 2:19-20
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; – Luke 21:25
Now all kinds of disasters are getting bigger and bigger, the prophecies in the Bible become true one by one, and countless Christians are looking forward to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At this crucial moment, what should we do to welcome the second coming of the Lord Jesus and avoid being abandoned by Him? This question is worthy of our deep thought. What you might be interested in are as follows:
On April 10, bomb blasts struck two Coptic churches in northern Egypt, killing at least 44 people and injuring more than 100 others.
On May 27, ten masked gunmen stormed a bus transporting Coptic Christians to a monastery in the Minya Province of Egypt, leaving at least 29 people dead.
Four terrorist attacks, including the two attacks above, have taken place targeting the Christians in Egypt since December. As a matter of fact, each disaster is a warning God issues to us humans. We can’t help but reflect on this: Why do the disasters become more and more serious? Why can the Christians even not be spared from them? Every day we can read news about various disasters on the Internet: terrorist attacks, threats of war, continuing droughts and floods, terrifying earthquakes, sudden pestilences, and so forth. These calamities may befall us and pose a threat to our lives at any time. For example, smog has repeatedly blanketed China and caused severe threat to people’s lives, which even influenced the air quality of South Korea and threw its people into a panic. On May 22, a bomb exploded at the exit of the Manchester Arena in England after an American singer, Ariana Grande’s concert had just come to an end, leaving at least 22 people dead and 59 others injured. The arena, which was filled with music and cheers, instantly turned into a place of blood and horror where everyone was desperately fleeing, tearful and howling with terror. On May 26, floods and torrents of muds in Sri Lanka killed 91 people and left 110 others missing …
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
Faced with the disasters, if we merely view them as misfortunes, sigh with emotion, and then let them slide by without any reflection, we are just passively waiting for death. Every occurrence conveys God’s will and a message from the Creator to mankind. So, what messages does the Lord intend to send us through the frequent disasters nowadays? The New Testament records that when the disciples asked the Lord Jesus what signs there would be when He came again, the Lord Jesus said: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). Obviously, this prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ return has come true and the last days have already arrived. We can only receive the Lord’s care and protection by focusing on hearing the voice of God like a clever virgin and by welcoming His second coming. Just as the Bible says: “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7). “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). We should really be alert!
Reading the news, I felt once again that currently the disasters are threatening our lives. When a disaster befalls us, we appear so weak and powerless and are filled with terror and helplessness. With no alternative, we can only seek help from neighboring countries and international rescue organizations. As the saying goes, “When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides.” Other countries may help the disaster-hit countries to live up to their humanitarian responsibilities and obligations. But how much can they help since disasters are now frequently happening around the world? Today Sri Lanka needs assistance because of floods and mudslides, tomorrow the war refugees elsewhere may appeal for help, and the day after tomorrow another place will probably be stricken by some disaster…. Those who help today will perhaps be helped tomorrow. What’s more, all that man can provide is material assistance. Yet who can save our lives in disaster? Who can help and save us truly in a life-or-death situation?
The Bible records: When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, Pharaoh pursued them with his army while the Red Sea blocked their progress. At this threatening moment, Moses didn’t turn to any man for help but earnestly prayed to Jehovah God. His true faith won God’s mercy and help. God divided the Red Sea and saved the Israelites from Pharaoh’s army. When Joshua led the people of Israel to Jericho, the city surrounded by a high wall closed its gates and thus they were unable to pass through it to get to the land of Canaan promised by God. Faced with the difficulty, Joshua didn’t seek help from any man but prayed to Jehovah God and depended on Him. Then God instructed the Israelites to walk around the city for seven days. On the seventh day, the wall of the city crumbled as the Israelites shouted with a great shout. As such, Joshua conquered Jericho without losing a soldier. The three friends of Daniel in the blazing furnace and Daniel in the hungry lion’s den—who helped them escape calamity? Is it themselves? Or the king Nebuchadnezzar? Or the king Darius? None. It is God who saved them! The facts above prove that only God can save us and that we can only depend on Him. As it says in the Bible: “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower” (Psalm 18:2). “O Israel, trust you in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield. You that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield” (Psalm 115:9-11).
In recent years, there are more and more disasters all over the world with increasing devastation, wars, floods, droughts, earthquakes, mudslides and so on, constantly threatening our lives. God’s word says: “Without My existence, mankind can only perish and suffer the invasion of plagues. None will ever again see the beauteous sun and moon or the green world; mankind shall encounter only the frigid night and the inexorable valley of the shadow of death. I am mankind’s only salvation. I am mankind’s only hope and even more, I am He on whom the existence of all mankind rests. Without Me, mankind will immediately become stagnant. Without Me, mankind will suffer catastrophe and be trod upon by all manner of ghosts…. The disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot work for good in My presence, then you will not escape suffering the disaster.” From God’s words we can see that the frequent disasters today are God’s repeated warnings to us man. If we can awaken in these warnings and seek God’s help and guidance, then God will be there to truly help and support us in disaster. Only God can keep us from the devastation of various disasters. And we can only receive God’s care and protection when we come before God, confess and repent to Him, and seek His help.
‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Coming Jan. 31
Jan. 31, 2018 Super Blue Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse
Skywatchers are in for a rare treat tomorrow (Jan. 31): a Blue Moon, a
total lunar eclipse and a supermoon all at the same time! It’s the
first total lunar eclipse since 2015 and the first Blue Moon Blood Moon
visible from the U.S. since 1866! Is the blue blood moon and lunar
eclipse the sign of the last days? Let us see what Bible prophecies have been fulfilled concerning this!The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. – Joel 2:31
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; – Revelation 6:12
Now all kinds of disasters are getting bigger and bigger, the prophecies in the Bible become true one by one, and countless Christians are looking forward to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At this crucial moment, what should we do to welcome the second coming of the Lord Jesus and avoid being abandoned by Him? This question is worthy of our deep thought. What you might be interested in are as follows:
Reflections on Frequent Extreme Weather in Mainland China – Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled
Since the beginning of this summer, the extreme weather has happened frequently in Mainland China. In May, abnormal weather appeared in Beijing. That heat struck Beijing was succeeded by large-area rare evening glow in the sky. In June, sixty-one cities of eleven provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the south of China suffered floods, and the casualties and economic losses caused by the floods couldn’t be estimated. Most surprisingly, People’s Daily Online, one of the official media organizations, reported that it unexpectedly drifted snow in a few areas of Heilongjiang Province in June. At about six o’clock a.m. on June 9, Fenghuangshan scenic spot under the charge of Shanhetun Forestry Bureau in Heilongjiang Province had snowfall; at about ten o’clock in the morning, it drifted light snow in Yaxue posthouse of Xuexiang, Heilongjiang, and the snow lasted for about one hour; hailstones also fell in Xuexiang. Since July, the hot weather has yet continued. In the evening of July 7, squall line weather hit Beijing suddenly, with high wind, rain and hail coming together. This was another unusual weather, in which it had a fall of hail in summer, and which followed the hail weather happening in June in FengTai District. On the evening of July 13, Beijing was attacked by the violent storm again accompanied by hail stones, lightning flashing and thunder pealing in the skies over Beijing. To avoid being struck by thunderbolt, the Capital Airport suspended all the incoming and outgoing flights. On July 14, in Shanghai, it hailed in Pudong New Area, while the temperature approached 40°C in Xuhui District. Within a day, the devil capital had a total different world. …
So much strange weather seemed to indicate something. However, after these disasters and curious phenomena occurred, news media hardly focused on them. Some net friends even posted and said, “The media doesn’t report these disasters but reports show-business news items violently, and has made the news up on the lead stories, while the disaster news is paid little attention to.” Others also posted and said, “Now there are too many disasters, so we have become inured to the unusual.”
However, there is one point that has to be mentioned. As is well known to the people who believe in the Lord Jesus, the Bible prophesies, “And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven” (Luke 21:11). “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). Hail, snow in June, rare evening glow emerged in the sky, the terrible floods and so on, all of these disasters are warning us that the prophecies related to the last days in the Bible have been fulfilled.
Some people will say, “So what is it even if these prophecies have been fulfilled? A little more disasters though there are, don’t we live all the same?”
The Bible records, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-29). In the times of Noah, before God destroyed the world with flood, He commanded Noah to make an ark. Noah believed God’s word. He made the ark as he spread the gospel. People then ate and drank, they married wives, and they were given in marriage, living in the licentious and corrupt situation and remaining impenitent. Until the day when the world was destroyed by flood, God sent a forty-day-and-night torrential rain and destroyed the whole world; in the days before God destroyed Sodom, it was filled with music and dancing night after night, alluring and bewitching. The people of Sodom, like those in Noah’s time, ate, drank, and feasted. Nevertheless, when the day of God came, fire and brimstone came down from heaven, and burned Sodom into ashes… How about us, the present people? Compared with the people in the times of Noah and Sodom, people in this age are ever more evil and corrupt than them in every way. We live in fleshly enjoyment of eating, drinking and pleasure-seeking, advocate the evil trends, and don’t worship God… Although we are able to live as usual, if we remain impenitent, when God’s day comes, won’t we have the same outcome as that of the people in those two ages?
It is recorded in the third and fourth chapter of the Book of Jonah in the Bible that the Ninevites wore sackcloth and ashes, confessed and repented their sins before God. The people of Nineveh and the people of Sodom alike, esteemed evil, degenerated, worshiped idols, and didn’t worship God, but all the Ninevites, from the king to his subjects, with the beast wore sackcloth and ashes, confessed and repented their sins before God when they heard Jonah convey God’s word that He would send down the catastrophe to destroy them. Due to their sincere repentance, God spared them from the catastrophe that He had said. From the historical facts we can see: The catastrophe is in the hand of God. God allows the catastrophe to come upon us not to destroy us but to warn us. He hopes that we can revive in the frequent disasters, understand the earnest intentions with which God works to save us, and come before God to repent like the people of Nineveh. God doesn’t have the heart to see us fall into the catastrophe.
God says, “The disaster is brought down by Me and of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot work for good in My presence, then you will not escape suffering the disaster”. This passage let me see God’s thoughtful kind intention. God is waiting for us to turn to Him. No matter how great the catastrophe is in the last days, only if we truly repent to Him, are willing to rely on and look onto Him, and come before Him, can we get His care and protection!
Strongest Hurricane Ever Recorded Kills 14 People; Warnings of the Last Days Escalate
Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 storm, the strongest storm ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean sped across the Caribbean islands on Thursday morning (September 7th), which damaged many buildings and trees, affected over 1.2 million people, and made thousands of people homeless and killed at least 14 people. Almost 90 percent of all structures on Antigua and Barbuda had been destroyed, rendering the islands “barely habitable.” The hurricane Irma has been downgraded after making landfall in Haiti, Turks and Caicos Islands and Bahamas. When Irma makes its closest approach to Florida with 180 miles per hour—most likely before 10th—the state government has ordered all public schools closed and issued a mandatory evacuation order for 500 thousand residents.
Irma, a category five hurricane, has sustained winds of 183 mph (295 km/h) for more than 33 hours, becoming the longest storm to sustain this speed since the 1970s. Predicted by the Meteo France, it may sustain this speed until it reaches Bahamas.
After the once-in-a-hundred-year total solar eclipse, we encountered Typhoon Hato. Hong Kong Weather Bureau raised its typhoon warning signal to 10, the highest level. And it’s closely followed by the great flood in America which can be said once in a millennium and caused by Hurricane Harvey, which is Category 4. Before the influence of Hurricane Harvey to America gone, a Category 5 Hurricane Irma came and it lunged at America again after ravaging Caribbean Sea. These disasters, occurred one after another, have continually broken all weather recordings, which made people feel fear. Moreover, many meteorologists have predicted that the future disasters will be greater and greater.
Way back when the total solar eclipse occurred, many people thought it was God’s reminding to us and there will be disasters afterwards. An American preacher, Anne Graham Lotz published a blog post, “Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?” to remind people that the solar eclipse was not something that should be celebrated but God’s warning to us, and maybe God’s judgment will come upon America. He called on people to return to God and render our hearts in sincere, heartfelt repentance. Australian pastor, Steve Cioccolanti who is a Discover Ministry also posted a video, “IS AMERICA IN THE BIBLE | GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE AUG 21st, 2017 A REAL END TIME SIGN” and he thought the solar eclipse was the sign of the last days. What’s more, eight American church leaders claimed in a report that the solar eclipse was the sign of the last days and also the sign of the Lord Jesus’ return.
Let’s check the Bible together:
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:25).
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21).
From these scriptures, we can see the prophecies about the last days have almost all been fulfilled. The disasters we encounter are greater and greater, from which we can see the Lord’s day has come. We are all expecting the Lord’s coming, so that He can take us to be by His side from the sufferings of the last days, and we can be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven. From the upper trend in disaster occurrence, we can see welcoming the Lord’s return has become a top priority, which is also extremely urgent. But do we really know how to welcome the Lord’s second coming? Many believers think we just need to earnestly serve God; some think no one can know the Lord’s coming, but when He comes, people will know it. We all have different opinions about welcoming the Lord’s return and different views about the scriptures. But the Lord Jesus taught us only by being wise virgins and recognizing the voice of the bridegroom can we welcome the Lord’s return. Just as it is said in the Bible, “However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come” (Jhn 16:13). From this verse, we can see that when the Lord Jesus comes, He will speak more words and will show us things to come. At that time, only those who focus on hearing the voice of God will be able to receive the return of the Lord. Because it is recorded in the Bible, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). Thank God. May we all be wise virgins and welcome the Lord’s second coming!
Super Full Eclipse – Signs of the Last Days
On August 21, 2017, “Super Full Eclipse” occurred within a band across the entire contiguous United States. Is the super-solar eclipse the sign of the last days? Let us see what Bible prophecies have been fulfilled concerning the super-solar eclipse!The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. – Joel 2:31
And it shall come to pass in that day, said the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day: – Amos 8:9
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, see, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; – Revelation 6:12
And I will show wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke: The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and notable day of the Lord come: – Acts 2:19-20
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; – Luke 21:25
Now all kinds of disasters are getting bigger and bigger, the prophecies in the Bible become true one by one, and countless Christians are looking forward to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At this crucial moment, what should we do to welcome the second coming of the Lord Jesus and avoid being abandoned by Him? This question is worthy of our deep thought. What you might be interested in are as follows:
What Warnings Do the Disasters Give Us?
On April 10, bomb blasts struck two Coptic churches in northern Egypt, killing at least 44 people and injuring more than 100 others.
On May 27, ten masked gunmen stormed a bus transporting Coptic Christians to a monastery in the Minya Province of Egypt, leaving at least 29 people dead.
Four terrorist attacks, including the two attacks above, have taken place targeting the Christians in Egypt since December. As a matter of fact, each disaster is a warning God issues to us humans. We can’t help but reflect on this: Why do the disasters become more and more serious? Why can the Christians even not be spared from them? Every day we can read news about various disasters on the Internet: terrorist attacks, threats of war, continuing droughts and floods, terrifying earthquakes, sudden pestilences, and so forth. These calamities may befall us and pose a threat to our lives at any time. For example, smog has repeatedly blanketed China and caused severe threat to people’s lives, which even influenced the air quality of South Korea and threw its people into a panic. On May 22, a bomb exploded at the exit of the Manchester Arena in England after an American singer, Ariana Grande’s concert had just come to an end, leaving at least 22 people dead and 59 others injured. The arena, which was filled with music and cheers, instantly turned into a place of blood and horror where everyone was desperately fleeing, tearful and howling with terror. On May 26, floods and torrents of muds in Sri Lanka killed 91 people and left 110 others missing …
Click here to donate as The Spirit leads you to support the vision of this mission and the orphange for God loves a cheerful giver - Ah Lord God! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: -Jeremiah 32:17
Faced with the disasters, if we merely view them as misfortunes, sigh with emotion, and then let them slide by without any reflection, we are just passively waiting for death. Every occurrence conveys God’s will and a message from the Creator to mankind. So, what messages does the Lord intend to send us through the frequent disasters nowadays? The New Testament records that when the disciples asked the Lord Jesus what signs there would be when He came again, the Lord Jesus said: “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:8). Obviously, this prophecy of the Lord Jesus’ return has come true and the last days have already arrived. We can only receive the Lord’s care and protection by focusing on hearing the voice of God like a clever virgin and by welcoming His second coming. Just as the Bible says: “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you” (Psalm 91:7). “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). We should really be alert!
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