As believers, we’re called to worship God “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). But you may wonder, “How can I worship God daily? How can I worship God at home? How can I worship God wherever I am?” The good news is, you can—and worship is a powerful spiritual exercise in any believer’s life. It played a vital role in the Israelites’ winning their first battle after entering the Promise Land (Joshua 6). It was instrumental in Paul and Silas’ release from prison (Acts 16:24-26). It reflected the thanksgiving and heartfelt praise of God’s people throughout all 150 psalms, repeatedly allowing them to express their nagging fears, their miraculous feats and their enduring faith in the Him. These examples and more show just what can happen when God’s people worship Him “in spirit and in truth.”
What Does Worshiping ‘in Truth’ Mean?
The first step in understanding how to worship is recognizing whom to worship. We worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). When we worship in truth, we don’t worship empty philosophies that come from the world’s way of thinking (Colossians 2:8). Instead, we focus on the message and the truth of Jesus Christ. “Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts” (Colossians 3:16).
Man’s way of thinking is not God’s way of thinking (Isaiah 55:8). In order to worship in truth, we must know the truth, which is found in the Bible. We must continually renew our minds to the Word of God by spending time studying every day (Romans 12:2). When our minds are renewed to what He says is truth (and not the world), we will be able to come to Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Why Preparing for Worship Is Important
“Well, my brothers and sisters, let’s summarize. When you meet together, one will sing, another will teach, another will tell some special revelation God has given, one will speak in tongues, and another will interpret what is said. But everything that is done must strengthen all of you” (1 Corinthians 14:26).
The beauty of worship occurs in community with other like-minded believers. There is a depth and strength that comes when believers join together in worship, much like the Israelites did around Jericho and like Paul and Silas did in prison. In 1 Corinthians 14:26, Paul explains aspects of orderly worship. While orderly worship is not the immediate topic here, this scripture shows the importance of preparing for worship. The one singing needs to select the song, practice and prepare his or her heart before the service begins. Likewise, the one teaching needs to prepare to receive and deliver the message before the service.
The responsibility to prepare for worship doesn’t just fall to the worship team and the pastor. We should all come to the house of worship prepared—whether you are singing, teaching, preaching, speaking, prophesying, serving or receiving. Sunday worship is not a time to be entertained and expecting to be served, but it’s a time when God’s children gather to give Him honor and praise and to be strengthened.
So, how do you prepare for worship on Sunday? You prepare by getting your heart ready. Use the night before or early morning before the service to seek the Lord by practicing private worship, reading the Bible and praying. Fix your thoughts on the truth of Jesus and all He has done for you. Pray for the service and ask the Lord to help you receive from Him. You may even want to set aside a special time in your schedule to prepare for weekly worship.
For some, expressing themselves in worship can be uncomfortable, especially if they are new Christians. You go to some churches, and the congregation never stands up. They don’t sing, but they just sit and listen to the worship music. Others may sing but they don’t play instruments. Still others will be waving their hands, shouting and running around as the band plays every kind of instrument. Which way to worship is correct?
Well, the Bible outlines seven different types of worship, and they are all appropriate, with each having its place. Let’s examine them:
Barak–To kneel, to bless God, to bow down
“He will rescue the poor when they cry to him; he will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them…. Long live the king! May the gold of Sheba be given to him, may the people always pray for him and bless him all day long.” –Psalm 72:12-15
Barak means to bow down to, or kneel before, the Lord. It communicates that the Lord holds a place of importance and helps us remember just how great He is. Barak is not done out of a begging attitude but rather an expectant attitude, because the Lord is more than willing and able to move on our behalf.
Halal–To be clear, to shine, to boast, to show, to rave, to celebrate, to be clamorously foolish
“David appointed the following Levites to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the Lord—to invoke his blessings, to give thanks, and to praise the Lord, the God of Israel.” –1 Chronicles 16:4
Halal appears more than 110 times in the Old Testament. It translates as to shine, boast, rave about, celebrate or even to be clamorously foolish. Can you imagine a more wondrous noise raving about about all the Lord is and all He has done?
Shabach–To shout loudly, to command
“Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!” –Psalm 47:1
Shabach means to shout loudly or command. Of course, it isn’t simply about being loud. Its focus is to worship the Lord with one’s whole being.
Tehillah–To sing praises, singing out of the spirit spontaneously
“But you are holy, O You Who dwell in [the holy place where] the praises of Israel [are offered].” –Psalm 22:3, AMPC
Tehillah means to sing unrehearsed, unplanned praises to the Lord. It can include adding words to an existing song or even singing in the spirit to the Lord.
Towdah–Extending hands, acting out of thanksgiving for what has or will be done
“But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.” –Psalm 50:23
Towdah is a type of worship that includes extending your hands or raising them in thanksgiving for something that has been done or will be done.
Yadah– Extending the hands vigourously
“After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his holy splendor. This is what they sang: ‘Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!’”
–2 Chronicles 20:21
–2 Chronicles 20:21
Yadah means to extend your hands vigorously as in complete surrender.
Zamar – To touch the strings, to make music with instruments, mostly rejoicing
“Praise him with a blast of the ram’s horn; praise him with the lyre and harp! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!” –Psalm 150:3-6
Zamar means to touch the strings. It involves rejoicing and making music to the Lord.
Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you about the seven ways to worship in spirit and in truth. How can you incorporate them into your personal and corporate worship? Remember, praising God is to be on our lips, or spoken (Isaiah 57:19), and we are to do it continually as a sacrifice (Hebrews 13:15). God promises that when we praise and worship Him, He inhabits those praises (Psalm 22:3), and it gives us strength to defeat our enemy (Psalm 8:2).
For an even deeper study into how you can worship God in spirit and in truth, check out the 7 Types of Worship Bible Study. Enjoy a deeper experience as you discover how to worship God daily, at home and everywhere you go, in spirit and in truth!
What does it mean to worship the Lord in spirit and truth?
The idea of worshipping the Lord “in spirit and truth” comes from Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well in John 4:6-30. In the conversation, the woman was discussing places of worship with Jesus, saying that the Jews worshipped at Jerusalem, while the Samaritans worshipped at Mount Gerizim. Jesus had just revealed that He knew about her many husbands, as well as the fact that the current man she lived with was not her husband. This made her uncomfortable, so she attempted to divert His attention from her personal life to matters of religion. Jesus refused to be distracted from His lesson on true worship and got to the heart of the matter: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him” (John 4:23).
The overall lesson about worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth is that worship of God is not to be confined to a single geographical location or necessarily regulated by the temporary provisions of Old Testament law. With the coming of Christ, the separation between Jew and Gentile was no longer relevant, nor was the centrality of the temple in worship. With the coming of Christ, all of God’s children gained equal access to God through Him. Worship became a matter of the heart, not external actions, and directed by truth rather than ceremony.
The overall lesson about worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth is that worship of God is not to be confined to a single geographical location or necessarily regulated by the temporary provisions of Old Testament law. With the coming of Christ, the separation between Jew and Gentile was no longer relevant, nor was the centrality of the temple in worship. With the coming of Christ, all of God’s children gained equal access to God through Him. Worship became a matter of the heart, not external actions, and directed by truth rather than ceremony.
In Deuteronomy 6:4, Moses sets down for the Israelites how they are to love their God: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Our worship of God is directed by our love for Him; as we love, so we worship. Because the idea of “might” in Hebrew indicates totality, Jesus expanded this expression to “mind” and “strength” (Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). To worship God in spirit and truth necessarily involves loving Him with heart, soul, mind and strength.
True worship must be “in spirit,” that is, engaging the whole heart. Unless there’s a real passion for God, there is no worship in spirit. At the same time, worship must be “in truth,” that is, properly informed. Unless we have knowledge of the God we worship, there is no worship in truth. Both are necessary for satisfying and God-honoring worship. Spirit without truth leads to a shallow, overly emotional experience that could be compared to a high. As soon as the emotion is over, when the fervor cools, so does the worship. Truth without spirit can result in a dry, passionless encounter that can easily lead to a form of joyless legalism. The best combination of both aspects of worship results in a joyous appreciation of God informed by Scripture. The more we know about God, the more we appreciate Him. The more we appreciate, the deeper our worship. The deeper our worship, the more God is glorified.
This melding of spirit and truth in worship is best summed up by Jonathan Edwards, the 18th-century American pastor and theologian. He said, “I should think myself in the way of my duty to raise the affections [emotions] of my hearers as high as possibly I can, provided that they are affected with nothing but truth.” Edwards recognized that truth and only truth can properly influence the emotions in a way that brings honor to God. The truth of God, being of infinite value, is worthy of infinite passion.
“The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Heart and Head
True worship, says Jesus, is in spirit and truth. The “truth” part is plain enough — with the coming of Jesus, that truth centers on his person and work, the one who is himself “the Truth” (John 14:6) and the message about his saving accomplishments for us, which is “the word of the truth, the gospel” (Colossians 1:5). It is this “word of truth” (James 1:18) by which we’re given new birth, this “word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) that Christian workers endeavor to handle aright, and this truth that anchors and saturates worship that is truly Christian.
But what about “spirit”? Is this our spirit or God’s Spirit? Jesus’s memorable statement in John 3:6 helps: “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” It’s not either-or, but both-and. For those who are new creatures in Christ, our spirit owes its existence and vibrancy to the Spirit of God. As John Piper writes, “True worship comes only from spirits made alive and sensitive by the quickening of the Spirit of God” (Desiring God, 82). God’s Spirit ignites and energizes our spirit.
Bone and Marrow
Christian worship engages both heart and head. It necessitates true doctrineabout the Father and his Son, and their partnership in rescuing sinners, and due emotion about that doctrine. It is both an affair of the heart and an affair of the mind. Piper sums it up as “strong affections for God rooted in truth.”
Worship must be vital and real in the heart, and worship must rest on a true perception of God. There must be spirit and there must be truth. . . . Truth without emotion produces dead orthodoxy and a church full (or half-full) of artificial admirers . . . . On the other hand, emotion without truth produces empty frenzy and cultivates shallow people who refuse the discipline of rigorous thought. But true worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love deep and sound doctrine. Strong affections for God rooted in truth are the bone and marrow of biblical worship. (81–82)
What It’s Not
So the essence of true worship is not external, but internal — heart and head, emotion and thought, spirit and truth — whether we’re talking all of life as worship (Romans 12:1) or corporate gatherings for worship.
“While the external forms that our worship takes are not insignificant, they are not the essence.”
Yet we’re so prone to identify worship with the externals: how nice (or shabby) the building is, how many are in attendance, how good the music is, how gifted the preacher is, whether someone near us is doing something on their smartphone other than reading a Bible app or taking notes, or whether one of the worship leaders is waving a hand distractingly or doing those odd facial expressions or swaying or even jumping. (There’s something to be said about “undistracting excellence” for those planning and leading worship services, but that’s for another time.)
But while the external forms that our worship takes are not insignificant, they are not the essence. They don’t make it, and they shouldn’t break it. True worship is not centered on and coextensive with the forms, but flowing from the heart. Spirit and truth.
Whatever Your Context
Take this reminder with you as you ready your heart and roll up to your next corporate worship gathering. The externals do matter, but they are not the essence. They need not rule the day.
Whether your corporate context is wonderfully conducive to what moves you most, or grates against all your personal preferences, the heart of worship need not be hindered — because the heart of worship is the heart.
At bottom, it’s not what we do (or don’t do) with our hands (or what someone else is doing or not doing), but what we do with our hearts and minds — because of the one who has captured our hearts and minds. Worship is in spirit and in truth.
How can I worship the Lord in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24)? What is true worship?
John 4:23-24 records Jesus saying, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." What did He mean?
First, it is important to understand what worship is. Many equate worship with singing music in church. This is one aspect of worship (Psalm 100:2), but worship is in no way limited to song. It is a full life response to the object of our worship. When we truly worship something, it affects the way we live.
One way to look at worship is to think of it as "worth-ship." When we worship something, we declare that it is worthy (Psalm 145:3). The Greek word used for "worship" implies an attitude of reverence. It also includes such physical gestures as kissing the hand or kneeling (Psalm 95:6). We worship something when we act as if it has value. By nature, human beings are worshippers. Sometimes our worship is focused on that which is actually worthy of reverence (like God). Other times it is misdirected (for instance, we worship our work or our bank accounts or fashion or a political icon).
Worship is a life response to the worthiness of its object. When we worship God, we do so in response to who He is (Psalm 52:9). Our attitudes and actions reflect that we believe the character and conduct of God to be worthy of praise and adoration. At times our worship is expressed through corporate singing, teaching, and tithing. It is also expressed in our daily lives through prayer, Scripture reading, acts of kindness, gratitude, pure thoughts, and the like.
First, it is important to understand what worship is. Many equate worship with singing music in church. This is one aspect of worship (Psalm 100:2), but worship is in no way limited to song. It is a full life response to the object of our worship. When we truly worship something, it affects the way we live.
One way to look at worship is to think of it as "worth-ship." When we worship something, we declare that it is worthy (Psalm 145:3). The Greek word used for "worship" implies an attitude of reverence. It also includes such physical gestures as kissing the hand or kneeling (Psalm 95:6). We worship something when we act as if it has value. By nature, human beings are worshippers. Sometimes our worship is focused on that which is actually worthy of reverence (like God). Other times it is misdirected (for instance, we worship our work or our bank accounts or fashion or a political icon).
Worship is a life response to the worthiness of its object. When we worship God, we do so in response to who He is (Psalm 52:9). Our attitudes and actions reflect that we believe the character and conduct of God to be worthy of praise and adoration. At times our worship is expressed through corporate singing, teaching, and tithing. It is also expressed in our daily lives through prayer, Scripture reading, acts of kindness, gratitude, pure thoughts, and the like.
Next, we need to look at what it is to worship in spirit and in truth. It is important to note that we do this simultaneously. We do not worship in spirit in one setting and in truth in another. We are in both at once.
Our spirit is the core of who we are. It is the center of our volition and our emotions. We also know that God is a spiritual being. To worship in spirit, then, is to do something that is beyond the physical. We do not worship by simply bowing our knees; we worship through a heart posture (Psalm 51:17). And our worship is in line with the worship going on in heaven (Psalm 148:1-2; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 4:8).
Worshipping in truth means that we worship based on truth (see Romans 10:2). This includes the truth about who God is and what He does, hence why He is worthy of worship. It also includes the truth about our circumstances. We worship God even when we are experiencing heartache. When we worship Him, we do not forget about our hurt, but we worship even in the truth of our hurt. We also worship in joyful circumstances. Truth itself can be a means of worship; we worship God when we declare His truth.
To worship God in spirit and in truth, then, is to declare that God is worthy of our reverence. We do this both through our emotional core and in light of reality. We worship God based on the truth of who He is, the truth of who we are, the truth of what God does, and the truth of what is going on in our world. We do it with a heart inclined toward God and in submission to Him. We worship God when our attitudes, actions, and words declare that He is worthy of our praise.
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" (Revelation 5:12).
Attn: Sir/Madam,
My Dear in Christ Jesus,
Greetings from the Throne of His grace. I on behalf of Zion
International Christian Centers, Cotonou in Republic of Benin wish to humbly
request from you and your organization for financial donation/sponsorship to
enable us raise a befitting center for worship of Our God and His Son, Jesus
We are in need of the sum of $200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand
Dollar) to build a Cathedral for the glory of the name of Our God. This is
projected to be situated at about 100 plots of land and it will comprise a
center for an International standard for St. Agnes Orphanage which is a home
for both the motherless babies and destitute.
Visit us on
Am solemnly applying to you by the mercies of Our Lord Jesus
Christ to kindly assist our mission by donating to us as it is placed in your
heart by The Holy Spirit or as you personally felt to come to our rescue.
We have planned to raise the church and Zion International University which is targeted for students from poor and low income parents. This University will give free education to the poor and physically challenged people as well.
Please kindly send your financial support to our Payoneer account
in U.S to enable us continues with the project because God loves a cheerful
Our Bank Account details are
listed below for deposit.
Bank Account Holder: Uchenna
Celestine Okonkwor
Bank Name: Bank Of America
Account #: 00003503352939167
ABA (Bank Routing) #: 061000052
Account Type: CHECKING
Bank Name: Bank Of America
Account #: 00003503352939167
ABA (Bank Routing) #: 061000052
Account Type: CHECKING
Or Alternatively you can use our Republic of Benin Bank details to send your donation to us via
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 110202487018.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 110202487018.
Please contact us through any of the links available to indicate
the areas you which to donate to us to the glory of the Almighty.
Send us your donations with whatsoever kind of problems you are
facing so that our Prayer Team Network can be be praying for you. Healing of
all manners of sickness is accompanying our missionary organization.
This was why Apostle Paul admonished us in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7,
“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also
sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every
man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or
of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful
Send us your donation to our account or you can email us to
discuss with us of other mean you can send your financial donation to us.
We will also like to advise you to send us prayer
needs/request of 7 things you want God to do for you with your financial donation
and our Prayer Team by The special grace of God will pray and your needs will
be settled by God of heaven.
If you are suffering from terrible and incurable diseases. Please
send us your name and the full description of the sickness and we will pray and
you must be healed.
A morsel of Bread in your hand today which you can be able to
donate for the building of the House of God and giving hope to the orphans will
surely change your life for good. Am a prophet of God and if you can obey me
your life will never remain the same.
A widow of Zarephath was blessed because she obeyed the word
of the prophet of God. The Bible stated it,
” And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up,
because there had been no rain in the land. And the word of the LORD came unto
him, saying, Arise, get thee to Zarephath,
which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow
woman there to sustain thee.
So he arose and went to Zarephath.
And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there
gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a
little water in a vessel, that I may drink.
And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said,
Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand.
And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but
an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am
gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we
may eat it, and die.
And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.
And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.
For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall
not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD
sendeth rain upon the earth.
And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she,
and he, and her house, did eat many days.
And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil
fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.” – 1 KINGS 17: 7-16
Besides, we are ready to enter into partnership with you as a
person or an organization on the ownership of the orphanage and the
Institution. We also promise to make you a shareholder if you can be able to
donate to this noble project so that we can meet our target to the glory of
Most of the people are suffering in a various way simply because
they have forgotten the need to build a befitting place for God. When you
contribute to this project. God will bless you and also open financial doors
into your life and He will also establish your family and bless you with Divine
“Then came the word of the LORD by Haggai the prophet, saying,
Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and
this house lie waste?
Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not
enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is
none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.
Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in
it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.
Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye
brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of
mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.
Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth
is stayed from her fruit.
And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands.- HAGGAI 1:3-11.
And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands.- HAGGAI 1:3-11.
Finally, I will like to suggest if you have any pressing problem which you need deliverance. You can contact us also for prayers and counseling to enable you cross over to your land of victory.
We also have our collection office in U.S address below. You can
send us check or some other form as it is placed in your heart.
Bishop Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor
472 Amherst St
Suite 732225
Nashua, NH 03063
The office is a mere collection office where you can forward
Checks to us. You can visit our mini
site at
Uchenna Celestine OkonkworCARRE 998, DJIDJE.
08BP0858 –COTONOU.
TEL: +22962929455
Greetings from our Lord Jesus Christ.
it is my pleasure to write and express our thanks to you in the works you are doing for humanity and more especially in touching lives and liberating people to the glory of our Almighty Father in heaven.
I am equally writing this letter to your organization because I am led to do so by the Spirit of God Almighty.
Greetings from our Lord Jesus Christ.
it is my pleasure to write and express our thanks to you in the works you are doing for humanity and more especially in touching lives and liberating people to the glory of our Almighty Father in heaven.
I am equally writing this letter to your organization because I am led to do so by the Spirit of God Almighty.
Although, I came in contact with your
address as I was searching for a competent organization that can sponsor our
gospel outreach program with a donation of
Bibles of either used or new bibles other literatures and booklets to
enable us reach many families in west African countries who are desperate to
own a Bible but cannot afford it due to financial constraint.
I hereby humbly plead by this application that you see how to assist us by sending the Bibles and other Christian publications within your disposal to enable us reach more people in our gospel program if available.
We have a target of covering and reaching the unreached through house to house evangelical program with provision of at least a single Bible to any matured individual member of family that needs the Bible but cannot be able to buy.
Bible provision will provide an enabling environment to have adequate knowledge of the personality of God and the kingdom of God as stated in the Bible book of John 17:3,
”And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
“The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”- Psalms 119: 130.
So based on this am applying for your support in donation of both the Bibles and other rich Christian publications to enable us work in partnership for this soul winning program to the glory of God.
Following the current events in the world today and more especially in African and particularly in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroun. Africa needs divine intervention like other continents but the major problem in Africa is that some of them are still totally relying in using of occultic powers of idols and shrines to destroy their fellow human beings and also in hindering the trend of modern technological development from been well grounded in Africa.
We need Bibles to enable us to go about re-evangelizing the weak Christians and the alarming number of pagans that are mostly situated in Republic of Benin and Togo in West African region. Our plan is to reach millions of people living in West Africa more effectively in this grand and unique gospel program of different kind.
We don’t need to be told that there is Islamic sect called Boko Haram whose intention is to forcibly push all people into a religious faith by mass killing both in the church during church services and outside the church. I cannot fold my hands to see the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ fading away as result of fear because Christians are now afraid to go about preaching Christ Jesus.
Finally, these are some of my reasons for extending hands to you so we can keep the love of God moving on in a world where darkness is trying its possible best to comprehend the light.
Though we have a blessed scriptural assurance as stated in the bible John 1:5.
We also promise to partner with you in every other level you wish for soul winning unto Our Lord Jesus Christ. All donation made to this effect will be receipted.
I also promise to give you details of our evangelical activities and photo coverage of the recipients of the Bibles and other city wide programs we conducted with free distribution of Bibles we received from your reputable organization.
My Dear, God will bless and prosper you the more. He will also heal your sicknesses and any other acute sickness that has been in your family that defied human solution if you can obey His voice by shipping the Bibles to us in respect of this Divine mandate given to me by The Almighty father where He instructed me in a revelation to forward our Biblical need program titled,
Please kindly ship the Bibles directly to our African Missionary Office in Cotonou, Republic of Benin with the following address...
Bishop Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor
08 BP 058 COTONOU,
Telephone: +22962929455, +22962929455
You may kindly visit us on our mini blog site at
“Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:
That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”- 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
This is the second program and it is all about donation of various materials for our school children, missionary and secular schools.
As this falls into our area I decided to reach you and to plead if you can kindly be of a help to us by donating and shipping free used books and other items listed in the body of this mail. We will appreciate it if you can consider this request for urgent need of books identified herein for our schools, religious missions and for our Prison outreach.
Please kindly have mercy on us by sending us all other free used books too on human educational development within your disposals for our missions, prison ministries and for our students at NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND GROUP OF SCHOOLS.
We also need text books in general sciences, Literatures , Cassettes, re-useable clothes, household items, dictionaries ,Radios for effective communication and information dissemination , Educational/historical books , General science books, Computers and computer courses materials, and Novels of all kinds,Strollers, bedding (pillows, blankets and linens), kitchenwares, housewares, computers, small appliances, craft supplies, new and unopened: toiletries,Gently used furniture and household items, beds, dressers, kitchen and dining room tables, chairs, hutches, wardrobes, sofas, armchairs, dishes, linens, small appliances, hygiene products, baby food, diapers, children’s bikes, Motor vehicles (any type any condition),
We run Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classes, Nursery, primary and secondary education, theological courses in our Bible college and our main focus is raising the less privileged in the society from grass to grace.
We will like if possible to work with your organization towards realizing this noble course because this is a project and a vision we cannot run successfully without external support as a result of limited funding.
Please visit our site at
We are ready to comply with you with regards to the conditions of the shipment of the books, and other materials you can be able to provide to us. Our community is educationally backward beyond your expectation as a result of poverty and so many of the children cannot afford to attend good and quality private schools with the high cost of ever increasing tuition fees and text books. This is why we have established a school for children of low-income parents to enable them meet up in all sectors of modern education and IT development.
We are also interested to tell you our genuine interest to have some number of Bibles, inspirational/motivational books included in the shipment as well. You can visit us on
We can afford to receive and clear up to 20 or 40 foot shipment if you can kindly donate to us. Customs clearing of any of the shipment of any size or higher number of each of the containers is not a problem to me. You send the shipment direct to Cotonou, Republic of Benin in West Africa. The full shipment and contact address with telephone numbers is listed below right under here for clarity.
Alternatively, we will be happy if you can be able to give us support of any other kind as it is placed in your heart by The Almighty God to enable us build more schools and dormitory for NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND GROUP OF SCHOOLS development initiative more especially to the rural communities
We are open to reason and to accept any condition you might raise to help us achieve this noble project without delay. We need those materials mentioned above and we can also accept smaller quantities if you cannot ship a container load to us.
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” - 1 JOHN 3: 16-18.
I hereby humbly plead by this application that you see how to assist us by sending the Bibles and other Christian publications within your disposal to enable us reach more people in our gospel program if available.
We have a target of covering and reaching the unreached through house to house evangelical program with provision of at least a single Bible to any matured individual member of family that needs the Bible but cannot be able to buy.
Bible provision will provide an enabling environment to have adequate knowledge of the personality of God and the kingdom of God as stated in the Bible book of John 17:3,
”And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
“The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”- Psalms 119: 130.
So based on this am applying for your support in donation of both the Bibles and other rich Christian publications to enable us work in partnership for this soul winning program to the glory of God.
Following the current events in the world today and more especially in African and particularly in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroun. Africa needs divine intervention like other continents but the major problem in Africa is that some of them are still totally relying in using of occultic powers of idols and shrines to destroy their fellow human beings and also in hindering the trend of modern technological development from been well grounded in Africa.
We need Bibles to enable us to go about re-evangelizing the weak Christians and the alarming number of pagans that are mostly situated in Republic of Benin and Togo in West African region. Our plan is to reach millions of people living in West Africa more effectively in this grand and unique gospel program of different kind.
We don’t need to be told that there is Islamic sect called Boko Haram whose intention is to forcibly push all people into a religious faith by mass killing both in the church during church services and outside the church. I cannot fold my hands to see the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ fading away as result of fear because Christians are now afraid to go about preaching Christ Jesus.
Finally, these are some of my reasons for extending hands to you so we can keep the love of God moving on in a world where darkness is trying its possible best to comprehend the light.
Though we have a blessed scriptural assurance as stated in the bible John 1:5.
We also promise to partner with you in every other level you wish for soul winning unto Our Lord Jesus Christ. All donation made to this effect will be receipted.
I also promise to give you details of our evangelical activities and photo coverage of the recipients of the Bibles and other city wide programs we conducted with free distribution of Bibles we received from your reputable organization.
My Dear, God will bless and prosper you the more. He will also heal your sicknesses and any other acute sickness that has been in your family that defied human solution if you can obey His voice by shipping the Bibles to us in respect of this Divine mandate given to me by The Almighty father where He instructed me in a revelation to forward our Biblical need program titled,
Please kindly ship the Bibles directly to our African Missionary Office in Cotonou, Republic of Benin with the following address...
Bishop Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor
08 BP 058 COTONOU,
Telephone: +22962929455, +22962929455
You may kindly visit us on our mini blog site at
“Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:
That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”- 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
This is the second program and it is all about donation of various materials for our school children, missionary and secular schools.
As this falls into our area I decided to reach you and to plead if you can kindly be of a help to us by donating and shipping free used books and other items listed in the body of this mail. We will appreciate it if you can consider this request for urgent need of books identified herein for our schools, religious missions and for our Prison outreach.
Please kindly have mercy on us by sending us all other free used books too on human educational development within your disposals for our missions, prison ministries and for our students at NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND GROUP OF SCHOOLS.
We also need text books in general sciences, Literatures , Cassettes, re-useable clothes, household items, dictionaries ,Radios for effective communication and information dissemination , Educational/historical books , General science books, Computers and computer courses materials, and Novels of all kinds,Strollers, bedding (pillows, blankets and linens), kitchenwares, housewares, computers, small appliances, craft supplies, new and unopened: toiletries,Gently used furniture and household items, beds, dressers, kitchen and dining room tables, chairs, hutches, wardrobes, sofas, armchairs, dishes, linens, small appliances, hygiene products, baby food, diapers, children’s bikes, Motor vehicles (any type any condition),
We run Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade classes, Nursery, primary and secondary education, theological courses in our Bible college and our main focus is raising the less privileged in the society from grass to grace.
We will like if possible to work with your organization towards realizing this noble course because this is a project and a vision we cannot run successfully without external support as a result of limited funding.
Please visit our site at
We are ready to comply with you with regards to the conditions of the shipment of the books, and other materials you can be able to provide to us. Our community is educationally backward beyond your expectation as a result of poverty and so many of the children cannot afford to attend good and quality private schools with the high cost of ever increasing tuition fees and text books. This is why we have established a school for children of low-income parents to enable them meet up in all sectors of modern education and IT development.
We are also interested to tell you our genuine interest to have some number of Bibles, inspirational/motivational books included in the shipment as well. You can visit us on
We can afford to receive and clear up to 20 or 40 foot shipment if you can kindly donate to us. Customs clearing of any of the shipment of any size or higher number of each of the containers is not a problem to me. You send the shipment direct to Cotonou, Republic of Benin in West Africa. The full shipment and contact address with telephone numbers is listed below right under here for clarity.
Alternatively, we will be happy if you can be able to give us support of any other kind as it is placed in your heart by The Almighty God to enable us build more schools and dormitory for NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND GROUP OF SCHOOLS development initiative more especially to the rural communities
We are open to reason and to accept any condition you might raise to help us achieve this noble project without delay. We need those materials mentioned above and we can also accept smaller quantities if you cannot ship a container load to us.
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” - 1 JOHN 3: 16-18.
Bishop Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor
08 BP 058 COTONOU,
Telephone: +22962929455, +22962929455
Reverend Ugochukwu O. Bright.
Tel: 00229-99739349, 00229-66004060.
Mrs Emelda Onyekwelu.
Head of Children/Women Department.
Tel: 00229-97862629.
This is my US Office Address
Bishop Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor
472 Amherst St
Suite 732225
Nashua, NH 03063
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